
milligram n.毫克〔千分之一克〕。


According to the review , the average tar and nicotine yields of these cigarettes are 10 . 8 milligrams and 0 . 85 milligrams per cigarette ( mgcig ) respectively 發言人說:根據最新香煙焦油及尼古丁含量檢定結果,八十五種香煙牌子的焦油及尼古丁平均含量分別為每枝十點八毫克和零點八五毫克。

People only need 200 milligrams of sodium a day , but on average , canadians consume about 3 , 500 milligrams a day , not including the salt people add to their food , according to statistics canada 加拿大統計局的數據顯示:正常人每天只需要200毫克鈉,但是加拿大人均日鈉攝入量為3500毫克。

Nuclear fuel technology - determination of milligram amounts of plutonium in nitric acid solutions - potentiometric titration with potassium dichromate after oxidation by ce and reduction by fe 核燃料技術.硝酸溶液中钚的毫克量的測定.經鈰氧化和鐵還原后用重鉻酸鉀的電位滴定法

The typical daily dose of ginkgo biloba ? and the one used in many of the experiments described in this article ? is 120 milligrams of dried extract in two or three oral doses 一般使用銀杏的每日劑量,也就是本文中提及許多實驗所用的劑量,是120毫克的乾燥萃取物,分成2 ~ 3次服用。

Iron , which plays a crucial role in oxygen transportation ; 20 milligrams / day for high - mileage runners ; symptoms of low - iron status may include fatigue and headaches 鐵:人是鐵飯是鋼一頓不吃餓得慌。人體里鐵元素扮演著氧氣運輸的重要角色,沒有氧氣怎么辦吶?

Pig liver : kilogram pig liver , it contains the cholesterol to reach as high as above 400 milligrams , but a person if absorbs the sterol , can cause the arteriosclerosis 豬肝:一公斤的豬肝,其含膽固醇高達四百毫克以上,而一個人若攝固醇,會導致動脈硬化。

0 . 5 crosses oxygen second acid solution or effective chloric arrive for every litres of 1000 milligram of 2000 milligram contain sparge of chloric disinfectant solution 0 5過氧乙酸溶液或有效氯為每升1000毫克到2000毫克的含氯消毒劑溶液噴霧。

The low - salt , low - protein diet allowed 2 , 900 milligrams of salt per day ; 2 , 400 is the maximum recommended by the american heart association 低鹽低蛋白飲食允許每天攝入鹽2 , 900毫克,美國心臟學會推薦的最大量是2 , 400毫克。

Acid number ( an ) milligrams of koh required in tests to neutralize all the acidic constituents present in a l g sample of a petroleum product 酸值( an )也稱中和值,指中和1克油品試樣中所有酸性物質所需氫氧化鉀的毫克數。

Acid number ( an ) milligrams of koh required in tests to neutralize all the acidic constituents present in a lg sample of a petroleum product 酸值( an )也稱中和值,指中和1克油品試樣中所有酸物質所需氫氧化甲的毫克數。

Estimates suggest that for every cubic meter of vent discharge , 350 milligrams of particulate organic material would be advected into the vent area 每一立方米的噴口流量中估計會有350毫克的顆粒有機物被沖到噴口區域。

Ifg is a condition in which the fasting blood glucose level is 100 to 125 milligrams per deciliter ( mg / dl ) after an overnight fast 糖尿病前期是指在發展為第二型糖尿病、心臟病以及中風的過程中風險升高的一種情況。

The three levels are color - coded with red representing drinks containing 200 - 300 milligrams or more of caffeine 以紅黃綠三色標示咖啡因含量,紅色代表200到300毫克,或300毫克以上。

Deposition weight is usually expressed as mass per unit area of metal surface ( milligrams per square foot , grams per square meter ) 沉積量一般用金屬表面單位面積內的質量來表示。

And , they will be able to avoid drinking more than the recommended limit of 300 milligrams a day 大家也就能輕易掌控每天的咖啡因攝取量不超過建議的三百毫克。

By the end of the study , two - thirds of the patients had increased their dose to 10 milligrams 到試驗結束時,已經有三分之二的受試者將服用量增加至10毫克。

One serving typically contains 1 , 000 milligrams of sodium , about half your daily allowance 一份罐頭濃湯基本含有1000毫克的鈉,幾乎你一天鈉攝入量的一半。

Determination of milligram ammonia in waste water of chemical fertilize plant by indigo spectrophotometry 靛酚藍分光光度法測定化肥廠廢水中微量氨

Patients responded quickly to treatment starting at five milligrams twice daily 當患者開始每天兩次服用五毫克緩釋嗎啡時,效果很快就顯現了。