
millie n.米莉〔女子名,Mildred 的昵稱〕。


- millie thinks it ' s a bad idea too . - oh , well , if millie thinks . . -米莉也覺得這是個餿主意-哦好吧如果米莉覺得. . . . .

Millie and amy went to sunshine park again and had a great time there 米莉和艾米又來到了陽光公園,在那里玩得很開心。

Millie thinks it ' s a bad idea too . - oh , well , if millie thinks . . 米莉也覺得這是個餿主意-哦好吧如果米莉覺得. . . . .

Millie thinks it ' s a bad idea too . - oh , well , if millie thinks -米莉也認為這不是個好主意-呃,好吧,如果米莉認為

“ it ' s called tempura , grandpa , and it ' s yummy , ” said millie “它們叫作天婦羅(油炸物) ,爺爺,好好吃耶, ”咪莉說。

- hi , george . - hey , millie -嗨喬治-嘿米莉

Hi , george . - hey , millie 嗨喬治-嘿米莉

Who ' s it from ? - aunt millie 是誰給的-梅莉阿姨

- who ' s it from ? - aunt millie -是誰給的-梅莉阿姨

First he falls for raisin , then for millie , rose and lola . . 剛開始他迷戀蕊欣、然后是蜜莉、蘿絲、蘿拉… … 。

Of what your brother and millie would look like all hot and bothered in bed 是你弟弟和米莉在床上纏綿的場景

Millie paid for the hair clips 米莉把發夾的錢付了。

What [ ] millie [ ] in her locker 米粒的儲物柜里有什么

Millie is tired of playing computer games . she prefers to play chess 米莉討厭玩電腦游戲。她倒喜歡下棋。

Have you ever been stoned , millie 你有過這種感覺嗎米莉

Millie : well , why did he buy it 米莉:他最初為甚麼買呢?

One sunday morning , millie and amy went to sunshine park 一個星期天的早上,米莉和艾米到陽光公園。

His wife kathryn and little daughter millie went with him 他的妻子凱瑟琳和小女兒咪莉跟他一起去。

Millie ’ s english is better than amy ’ s 米莉的英語比艾米好。