
millicent n.米莉森特〔女子名〕。


In the paper , we aimed at the character of micropayment mechanism and strike out a functional complete micropayment system used the secure technology of hash function and digital signature etc . we propose an fair and atomicity micropayment system on the well - known millicent system , which is capable of performing off - line authentication and has the advantage of high execution speed 本文是針對微支付機制的特點,利用hash函數及數字簽名等安全技術設計出一個功能較完善的微支付系統。本論文以millicent小額付款系統為基礎,提出一個具有交易公平性和交易單元性等標準的微支付系統。

Relinquishing his symposiarchal right to the moustache cup of imitation crown derby presented to him by his only daughter , millicent milly , he substituted a cup identical with that of his guest and served extraordinarily to his guest and , in reduced measure , to himself the viscous cream ordinarily reserved for the breakfast of his wife marion molly 他沒有使用其獨生女米莉森特米莉送給他的有著王冠圖案仿造德比的搪須杯,而這是他作為東道主理應享受的權利。他用的是跟客人一佯的茶碗,還給客人放了大量平素留給瑪莉恩摩莉早餐時吃的濃奶油,自己卻只適度地放了一點。

Millicent , his wife and the mother of his five sons , including a set of twins , refused to dissolve the marriage , which obliged william to “ live in sin ” with the woman whom the tour guides refer to as his “ friend ” or “ companion ” 他的妻子,他5個兒子其中有一對雙胞胎的母親米莉森特,拒絕解除婚姻,迫使威廉與那個女人過著姘居的生活,導游提到她時就說是他的“朋友”或“同伴” 。

Twice , in holles street and in ontario terrace , his daughter millicent milly at the ages of 6 and 8 years had uttered in sleep an exclamation of terror and had replied to the interrogations of two figures in night attire with a vacant mute expression 當他的女兒米莉森特米莉六歲和八歲時,曾在睡眠中嚇得喊叫起來。兩個穿睡衣的身影問她怎么啦?她卻茫然地答以沉默表情。

It is she , martha , thou lost one , millicent , the young , the dear , the radiant 伊乃瑪爾塔, “失去了的你” 242 ,年輕,可愛光艷照人之米莉森特243 。

Aunt millicent is dead and she has left you a portion of her wardrobe 米利森特姑媽死了她給你們留下了她衣柜里的一部分衣物

How did the father of millicent receive this second part ? with mixed feelings 米莉森特的父親聽了第二部,有怎樣的反響?

And sometimes there was aunt millicent 有時候還有米莉森特姑媽

And sometimes there was aunt millicent . . 有時候還有米莉森特姑媽. .

Aunt millicent had a house full of beautiful things 米利森特姑媽有整整一屋子好東西

Millicent a hidden kiss . - but what is it for -一個藏起來的吻-什么意思?

Millicent fawcett believed in peaceful protest 米利森特弗塞特倡導和平抗議。