
millibar n.【氣象學】毫巴〔氣壓的單位=1/1000 bar〕。


Over the range of air temperature , the saturation vapor pressure fluctuates from less than 1 / 10 to over 100 millibars , or by a factor of 1000 在氣溫變化范圍內,飽和水汽壓在小于1毫巴到超過100毫巴(即大于1000倍)間變動。

Steel wine fermentation vats . factory - built cylindrical vats , either vertical for pressures over 50 millibar , or horizontal 鋼制葡萄酒發酵桶.工廠制造的圓柱形桶.壓力大于50毫巴的立式或臥式酒桶

Millibar abbr . m 毫巴壓強單位

Fantasia : and its change is a drop of 3 millibars in the last hour 幻想曲:比前一個小時下降三毫巴。

Torr - millibar , millibar - torr ; conversion tables 托與毫巴相互換算表