
millet n.1.【植物;植物學】小米,粟。2.狗尾草屬植物。短語...


The writer came across a farmer in honan who borrowed a hundred catties of millet from his landlord before planting . ( 4 ) at harvest time , according to the agreement , he was to pay back two hundred catties 作者在河南見過一位農民,他在春播前向地主借了一百斤小米,借約規定,到了秋收時節要還兩百斤。

Applicable for automatic weighing and quantitative packing of rice , wheat , paddy , maize , millet , tea , beans , salt , sugar , washing powder and other material of granular , powder and slice shaped 適用于大米、小麥、稻谷、玉米、種子、茶葉、食鹽、砂糖、洗衣粉等顆粒、粉狀、片狀物料的計量、自動包裝。

Accrding to the specific processing property of cactus , millet and unpolished - rice , we produce the tasty and health rice drinks with health protection and with high value of nutrition 摘要根據仙人掌、小米和糙米的加工特性,經科學研究制得風味好、營養價值高且具有保健功能的綠色米飲品。

Cereals : refer to seeds of various kinds of crops which are used mainly for grain . cereals include paddy , wheat , maize , millet , chinese sorghum , etc . , except beans and tubers 谷物:指籽實主要供作糧食的作物。這類作物包括稻谷、小麥、玉米、谷子、高粱和其他谷物,不包括豆類和薯類作物。

The research on yangshao culture memorial site ( about 5 , 000 b . c . - 3 , 000 b . c . ) discovered the existence of wine and proved the earliest wine produced in china as millet sprout wine 從仰韶文化遺址(公元前5000年公元前3000年)考證,當時已有酒的存在,并證明我國最早的酒是谷芽酒。

According to the specific processing property of cactus , millet and unpolished - rice , the tasty and nutritional rice drinks with health protection function was produced 摘要根據仙人掌、小米和糙米的加工特性,經科學研究制得風味好、營養價值高且具有保健功能的綠色米飲品。

Hence it does us good if we perform a practical comparison of the husks with the millet regarding the true value of confucianism 通過探索儒家教育傳統對現代教育造成的困惑、契合與沖擊,取其精華,去其糟粕,彰顯儒家教育思想的時代意義和歷久彌新的永恒價值。

Looking at food spending itself , although the very poor do focus on the cheapest grain - millet - they also spend on wheat , rice and even sugar 就食物花銷而言,盡管非常貧窮的人的確專注于最便宜的谷物? ?粟,但他們也把錢花在小麥、大米,甚至是糖上面。

As the sudanese colleagues handed out the millet meal enriched with proteins and sugar , i had beckoned to the next mother and child to come forward 當蘇丹籍的同事將含豐富蛋白質及糖份的小米食品遞到病人手上時,我已經示意下一位母親及她的小朋友上前。

Wild filamentous fungi obtained from natural fermented millet catsup were identified as aspergillus oryzae by morphology after purifying iteratively 摘要反復純化培養自然發酵的粟米醬中分離的野生絲狀真菌,經形態學鑒定,確認其為米曲?菌群的米曲?菌。

Like many farmers , my grandfather would often take pity on the starving pheasants and throw maize and millet out for them and the other birds 就像很多農民所做的那樣,我的祖父也常常同情那些饑餓的野雞,把玉米和小米撒在外面,讓它們和其他鳥類來吃。

Needless to say , he had to work much harder than in the past , but his efforts paid off . surprisingly , most of the millet seedlings he sowed survived and grew 不用說,這一年他比往年更辛苦,但付出的辛勞也有了代價,多數秧苗都長全了。

Even in the years when our army had only millet to eat and only rifles to fight with , he began to envisage combined operations using different arms 當我軍還處在小米加步槍的年代,他就從諸兵種聯合作戰的前景,來考慮我軍的建設問題。

Product description : dry food formula made with lamb , millet , amaranth , barley and brown rice . ideal for growing puppies , to maintain total health 配方使用羊,小米,莧,大麥和啡米而制成。使生長發育中的幼犬保持整體的健康。

“ take wheat and barley , beans and lentils , millet and spelt ; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself 9你要取小麥,大麥,豆子,紅豆,小米,粗麥,裝在一個器皿中,用以為自己作餅。

Besides , taboos concealed rules of symbiosis between man and millet and of material compressing in the millet cultivation 各項禁忌在小米的農務操作中則涵藏人與小米共生的法則以及壓縮物質的生態農作技術。

The data of the millet variety regional test in liaoning province , china ( chaoyang set ) in 1998 were analysised using this method 應用這種方法對1998年遼寧省谷子品種區域試驗(朝陽點)進行了分析。

Southern hybridisations showed that the pf40 gene was present in one or few copies in the millet genome Southern雜交分析pf40基因的拷貝數,表明pf40基因以單拷貝或低拷貝形式存在谷子基因組中。

Under the lantern post , there is usually a terrace built specially for putting maize or millet to draw birds to come and sing 燈籠桿下,建造的平臺上面放些五谷雜糧,引來山雀吱喳歡唱。