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millennium bug 【計算機】(電腦)千年蟲〔電腦跨入2000年時可能產生的...


Although there is only a very tiny chance of y2k - related problems occurring at east rail , in order to ensure our passengers enjoy a reliable and safe journey , kcrc has been proactively tackling the millennium bug since 1997 . a special y2k team was established to monitor the situation and take contingency measures when required 盡管東鐵服務因千年蟲問題而受影響的機會微乎其微,九廣東鐵為確保乘客在二千年過渡時都享有一個可靠、舒適的東鐵服務,早已進行了一系列的防蟲措施,并且成立了一隊監察隊伍,確保所有系統正常運作及制定適當的應變措施,有備無患。

The contract of insurance will be subject to those exclusions in respect of property damage arising from the y2k issue ( millennium bug ) , as promulgated by the chinese insurance regulatory commission ( circ ) , december 2nd 1998 本保險合同適用中國保險監督管理委員會1998年12月2日保監發1998 3號頒布的《財產險2000年問題除外責任條款》 。

In fact , kcrc has been proactively tackling the millennium bug since 1997 with a budget of $ 13 million . all evaluation , remedial and preventative work has been carried out 其實,早于一九九七年,九鐵已撥款一千三百萬元,并成立了一個指導委員會,進行評估、修正及預防的工作,積極處理千年蟲問題。

All reliable information points to the fact that the y2k virus ( millennium bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century 所有可靠的證據表明, 2000年病毒(千年蟲)在世紀之交的時候會造成全世界計算機*非法信息過濾*的混亂。

All reliable info123 ation points to the fact that the y2k virus ( millennium bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century 所有可靠的證據表明, 2000年病毒(千年蟲)在世紀之交的時候會造成全世界計算機系統的混亂。

All reliable information points to the fact that the y2k virus ( millennium bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century 所有可靠的證據表明, 2000年病毒(千年蟲)在世紀之交的時候會造成全世界計算機系統的混亂。

Everybody was worried about the coming of the millennium bug during that period of time 那個時候,每個人都在擔心千年蟲的到來。

The problem of millennium bug is known to have been solved by scientists 大家都知道,科學家們已經解決了千年蟲的問題。