
millennial adj.1.一千年的。2.一千年至福的。短語和例子The...


To reconstruct the evolution and variability of the east asian monsoon during the late cenozoic on millennial , orbital and tectonic time scales . 3 . to identify and better understand the links between tectonic uplift , erosion and weathering hemipelagic deposition , and climate change , including the evolution of the asian monsoon and the neogene global cooling Odp184航次1999年2月至4月間在中國南海進行鉆探取樣,通過鉆取半遠洋沉積,以期說明南海的新生代歷史,包括它的生物地層學、巖石地層學、年代學、古氣候學和古海洋學;重建千年級的晚新生代東亞季風的發展和演化、軌道和構造時間尺度;識別和更好地理解構造抬升、侵蝕和風化、半遠洋沉積和氣候變化,包括亞洲季風和晚第三紀的全球變冷。

Throughout the earlier ages of an inhabited world , many are called to the mansion spheres at the special and the millennial resurrections , but most survivors are repersonalized at the inauguration of a new dispensation associated with the advent of a divine son of planetary service 自始至終一個早期有人居住的世界,在特殊的和一千年復蘇中多數是被稱為大廈天體,但是大部分的幸存者在開啟一個新的天啟神的兒子降臨聯合幫助行星中被重新人格化。

Ruyi s pursuit is ordinary people s millennial wish ; have a welcome rain after a long drought ; met your close firends in alien land ; the wedding festivities night ; the moment of passed the examination 如意的世俗追求,是老百姓的千年宿愿:久旱逢甘霖,他鄉遇故知,洞房花燭夜,金榜題名時。世上不如意的事常十有八九,如意者不過一二,豈能盡如人意,但求無愧我心。

Some christian theologians of a conservative , pre - millennial perspective , believe that elijah must return to physically die here on earth eventually , perhaps as one of the ' two witnesses ' in the book of revelation 一些基督教保守派神學家,持著千禧年說的觀點,認為以利亞一定會道成肉身而回來,最終在這個塵世上死去,也許是《啟示錄》上的“兩位見證者”之一。

The elimination of destitution , the millennial curse of humanity , is in sight , provided we find a way to spread the benefits of market - led development elsewhere - to sub - saharan africa , above all 倘若我們找到一種方式,將市場引領的發展帶來的利益傳播到其他地區(首先傳播到撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地區) ,那就有望消滅貧困這個人類千年的禍根。

We believe the rapture occurs before the tribulation because scriptures overwhelmingly support a pre - tribulation rapture , as opposed to the a - millennial , post - millennial , and post - tribulation theories 我們相信被提發生在大災難前,是因為圣經中的經文相當地支持災前被提,而與千禧年前、千禧年中、或災中被提矛盾。

The holocene events , therefore , appear to be the most recent manifestation of a pervasive millennial - scale climate cycle operating independently of the glacial - interglacial climate state 所以,全新世事件似乎是(距今)最近的千年氣候周期的杰作。這種常見周期(刪- -的運行)是獨立于冰期-間冰期交替氣候的

In canal culture filled with history sense , chinese nation ' s five millennial civilization is inherited , and contemporary chinese yard villa ' s spirit emerge as the times require 在充滿歷史感的運河文化中,傳承中華民族五千年的文明軌跡,當代中國院落別墅的精神氣質應運而生。

They further reasoned that god would honor their ardent efforts to transform society and that a virtual millennial reign of christ would issue from their labors 他們更推斷神會看重他們改造社會的熱切努力,并且一個實質上的基督千年國度將由他們的工作中興起。

Millennial canal view , under wood trestlework and natural green plants on riverbank , becomes one of unique natural view points of courtyard on canal bank 千年運河圖景在木棧臺與河堤自然綠植的掩映下,成為運河岸上的院子獨特的自然視點之一。

An english economics professor even tried to capture the millennial zeitgeist by supplying franklin ' s adage with a quantitative underpinning 有位英國經濟學教授甚至為富蘭克林的格言設計了數學公式,以捕捉新千紀年的時代精神。

In terms of financial management concepts , the cross - millennial budget has quietly broken away from colonial government modes of thinking 跨越千禧的財政預算案,在財務管理概念上,已靜靜地突破了殖民地政府模式的舊思維。

Maybe as new millennial citizens of an educated civilized world , we should realize that we don ' t simply need weight loss 也許作為一個有教養的文明世界的新千年的公民,我們應該認識到,我們不簡單地需要減輕體重。

The rest of the world will have to [ b ] react to [ / b ] this millennial economic shift to asia , and to the rising power of china 在新千年,經濟重心將向亞洲轉移,中國將迅速崛起,世界其他地區將不得不對此做出反應。

Lucie ' s face , more than any other , would eventually become synonymous with millennial tokyo ' s anxieties , aspirations and insecurities 與其他人不同,露茜的臉將最終成為千年東京焦慮、渴望和缺乏安全的同義語。

The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to asia , and to the rising power of china 在新千年,經濟重心將向亞洲轉移,中國將迅速崛起,世界其他地區將不得不對此做出反應。

The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to asia , and to the rising power of china 世界其他國家對于這種向亞洲轉移的千禧年的經濟以及中國實力的增強要有所反應。

The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to asia , and to the rising power of china 經濟重心在新的千年將向亞洲轉移,中國的力量將日益壯大。

A brilliant millennial writing in the development of human thinking - interpreting the letter marx wrote to wedemeyer on march 5th 解讀馬克思1852年3月5日給魏德邁的信