
millard n.米勒德〔姓氏,男子名〕。


“ we ' re the looking for the bulldog that has that face , that drool , that personality that can charm you . “ amanda millard , her co - owner , promised that hannah will take time out from her favorite activities - digging in the mud and dining on foot wear - and honor the office of beautiful bulldog with style 漢納的另一位主人,阿曼達米勒德承諾,漢納將暫時停止自己最喜愛的兩項活動-在泥里刨東西和啃鞋子,以高雅的舉止來維護自己“最靚牛頭犬”的形象。

Amanda millard , her co - owner , promised that hannah will take time out from her favorite activities - digging in the mud and dining on foot wear - and honor the office of beautiful bulldog with style . short , heavy , and solidly built 漢納的另一位主人,阿曼達米勒德承諾,漢納將暫時停止自己最喜愛的兩項活動-在泥里刨東西和啃鞋子,以高雅的舉止來維護自己“最靚牛頭犬”的形象。

But hannah doesn t wear shoes she eats them . but amanda millard , her co - owner , promised that hannah will take time out from her favorite activities digging in the mud and dining on foot wear and honor the office of beautiful bulldog with style 漢納的女主人阿曼達米勒德表示,漢納成為選美冠軍后將改掉以前的壞習慣,如挖土坑和啃鞋子等,它應該保持吉祥狗的良好形象。

Amanda millard , her co - owner , promised that hannah will take time out from her favorite activities - digging in the mud and dining on foot wear - and honor the office of beautiful bulldog with style 漢納的另一位主人,阿曼達?米勒德承諾,漢納將暫時停止自己最喜愛的兩項活動- -在泥里刨東西和啃鞋子,以高雅的舉止來維護自己“最靚牛頭犬”的形象。

Celebrating scientific advances by african americans : the negro ' s contribution in the social and cultural development of america : science by millard owen sheets , 1939 . ( image courtesy of the u . s 褒揚非裔美國人對科學進步的貢獻: 《黑人在美國社會和文化發展中的貢獻:科學領域》 。

“ she ' ll take plenty of naps for all of her bulldog friends , “ millard said 米勒德還說: “與其它的斗牛犬相比,它還很喜歡打盹兒。 ”

“ she ll take plenty of naps for all of her bulldog friends , “ millard said 米勒德還說: “與其它的斗牛犬相比,它還很喜歡打盹兒。 ”