
mill n.1.米爾〔姓氏〕。2.James Mill 詹姆斯米...

mill construction

John mill added to this list “improvement in public intelligence and the introduction of foreign arts. “ 約翰穆勒將“公眾智力的提高和外國技術的引進”填入此表。

She nods and leaves him, weaving through the crowd of mill hands until she is out of sight . 她點了點頭,從他身邊走開,在擁擠的工人當中迂回穿行,消失在人群中。

The whole town was alive with talk about revolutionaries who were flooding the mills with their handbills . 傳說革命者涌進工廠里散發傳單,這事弄得滿城風雨。

I was at the mill at dawn the next morning and saw men lifting huge logs with tackle blocks . 第二天清晨,我就來到了鋸木廠。我看見人們用滑車吊起大木頭。

Toxicants-the heavy metals which may be of concern in textile mill effluents are copper, chromium, and zinc . 毒物--指與紡織廢水有關的重金屬銅、鉻和鋅。

In one of the largest steel mills in japan, 5 percent of the regular employees quit each year . 在日本最大的一家鋼鐵廠中,每年有5的正式雇員離職。

Corning is accomplished by breaking up the press cakes into grains, usually in roll corning mills . 造粒通常是在輥子造粒機中將壓餅破碎成粒完成的。

The hull fraction is sometimes toasted separately and sold as mill feed or as mill run . 粉碎的種皮有時單獨進行烘干,作麩皮飼料或下腳飼料出賣。

“ mill “ has the most limited meaning , relating to the processing of certain raw materials . “MIll”的意思最為狹窄,指某些原材料的加工。

Big stev sent invitations to everyone in the steel mill towns up and down the valley . 大史蒂夫向遍布山谷的煉鋼城鎮里的全體工人發了請貼。

The three warships milled about on the quiet sunny sea off the smoking island . 三艘軍艦在那個硝煙彌漫的島嶼外陽光燦爛的寧靜海面上轉游。

This means, therefore, that the mill efficiency and degree of dispersion are significant . 因此,這意味著研磨效率和分散度是重要的。

After the water tower was built, a train stopped for the first time at mill creek . 水塔造成之后,一列火車首次在密耳科立克停下來。

There appeared a variety of specialized operations like sawmills and grist mills . 出現了各種專業的作坊,如鋸木場、磨坊等。

Many old poultry buildings, hatcheries, and feed mills can be redesigned . 許多老的禽舍,孵化室和飼料磨坊可以重新設計。

Ball milling dye and organic liquid give highly satisfactory results . 球磨了的染料和有機液體可以得到很滿意的結果。

The crested top was milled and knurled like the knob on a safe . 冠毛茸茸的頂部早已磨平,酷似保險箱的隆起球形旋鈕。

All through the mill they got this cotton dust and lint that fills up the air . 他們讓廠房里的棉塵,棉絮到處亂飛。

They gave directions to have the wounded taken up and carried into the mill . 他們發出命令要人們把傷者抬進廠里。