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milky way 【天文學】銀河。


The look is good to comparing the milky way , shenyin ( zhongshan square is encircled ) 相對比較銀河、申銀都不錯(中山廣場圈) 。

She said , daddy , when we get to heaven , can i taste the milky way 她說,爹地,當我們到了天堂,我能否嘗嘗牛奶大道的滋味?

The glistening milky way 閃亮的銀河

Like : daddy , when we get to heaven , can i taste the milky way 就好像:爹地,當我們到了天堂,我能否嘗嘗牛奶大道的滋味?

Star fields and milky way 星野與銀河

Where is home on the milky way of stars , i dry my eyes again 哪里是藝術牛奶星星上的確是的家?我再一次擦干自己的確是的眼淚

The milky way - are we losing touch with good , simple things 牛奶的道理我們是否正漸漸和美好的、簡單的事物失去聯系了?

Where is home on the milky way of stars , i dry my eyes again 在陷于銀河的星海中,哪才能回到歸宿,我的眼睛又一次濕潤了

We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless “ the milky way “ 我們這些牛郎織女都恨透了那條無情的“天河” 。

Where is home on the milky way of stars , i dry my eyes again 點點星空銀河之盼,哪里有我的家?我再次拭去眼中的淚水。

Milky way hotel of jiujiang 九江星河大酒店

B : i suppose we could actually live on a planet outside of the milky way 我想我們可以居住在銀河系以外的其他星球上。

Master s fan “ the milky way 師父畫扇銀河

I suppose we could actually live on a planet outside of the milky way 我想我們可以居住在銀河系以外的其他星球上。

If everything goes well , it can scan a radio map of the milky way 若一切順利,此望遠鏡可以掃描出銀河系的射電圖。

Where is home on the milky way of stars , i dry my eyes again 哪里是銀河(牛奶星星)上的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼淚

A large fluorescent model of the milky way is housed in a dark enclosure 這個展覽區內設有一個銀河系熒光模型。

I tried to have some of them little , bitty milky ways - - the small one 我曾經試著吃了一點點就是那種小小的奶糖

We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless “ the milky way “ . 我們這些牛郎織女都恨透了那條無情的“天河”。