
milkshake 泡沫牛奶(牛奶和冰淇淋等的混合飲料)。


Mister softee selling “ soft ice cream “ simply means that this ice cream is fresh without frozen , it tastes pure and a wide choice , soda ice cream balls , milkshakes , banana split are all mister softee ' s characteristics , but also that ice - cream cone can be added sauces according to personal taste , eat arbitrarily “軟心先生”制售的“軟冰激凌”簡單的說就是未經冷凍的新鮮的冰激凌,它口味純正,選擇多樣,蘇打冰激淋球、奶昔、圣代,香蕉船都是軟心先生的特色,而且甜筒可以按照喜好加醬料,想怎么吃就怎么吃!

So far off the beaten path , it s on an island ! guests who venture across the rivers of america by raft to tom sawyer island can find snacks and delicious milkshakes at this refreshment outpost 泛著木筏到湯姆索耶島去探險的朋友們,可別忘了在這間小木屋里享受一份精美小點心或香純可口的清涼奶昔充充電

You can choose any fruit you like for this milkshake but fruits rich in vitamin c are recommended to aid calcium absorption . examples include mangoes , strawberries and kiwifruits 水果可隨意配搭,但建議選擇含豐富維他命c的水果,如芒果、士多啤梨和奇異果等,以協助鈣質的吸收。

Milk and yogurt make good supplies of calcium , but they should be low - fat or non - fat to avoid turning the milkshake into a high - fat and calorie - dense one 鮮奶和乳酪提供豐富鈣質,但應選用低脂或脫脂產品,以免令奶昔變得高脂高熱量。

In the nineteen forties and ' fifties , teenagers would meet at diners to talk , drink milkshakes and listen to music 在19世紀40年代和50年代,十幾歲的孩子們會在餐車前碰頭,然后聊天,一邊喝著奶昔一邊聽著音樂。

In the nineteen forties and ' fifties , teenagers would meet at diners to talk , drink milkshakes and listen to music 在19世紀40年代和50年代,十幾歲的青少年喜歡在餐車前聚會,聊聊天,一邊喝著奶昔一邊聽著音樂。

Co - produced by milkshake films , the final instalment was planned to hit cinema screens in time for the 2006 world cup 《進球! 》三部曲的最后一部將由米拉麥克斯電影公司合作拍攝,計劃在2006年世界杯期間上映。

After a month of eating burgers , french fries and milkshakes , he put on 12 kilograms , and he started to get sick 經過一個月進食漢堡、薯條以及奶昔,他的體重增加了12公斤,而且感到很難過。

So he was a little nervous being behind the register for the first time . his first customer ordered a milkshake 當他第一次站在收銀臺后工作時他不免有點緊張。他的第一位顧客點了一分奶昔。

In the nineteen forties and ' fifties , teenagers would meet at diners to talk , drink milkshakes and listen to music 在20世紀四五十年代,年輕人經常在餐車聚會高談闊論,邊喝冷飲邊聽音樂。

But where other places were only selling 16 ) milkshakes and 17 ) french fries , this new parlor would be selling pizza as well 但是,別的地方只賣奶昔和炸薯條,他們這家新店還要賣披薩。

The most common milkshakes are made with either vanilla or chocolate ice cream , a cherry is usually put on top 最常見的奶昔是用香草味或巧克力冰淇淋制成的,頂端還會有一枚櫻桃。

Whether covered in chocolate , blended into milkshakes , or served in cones , ice cream is always a hit 不論是裹上一層巧克力、打成奶昔,或是用甜筒盛裝,冰淇淋總是廣受歡迎。

I ' d like a number four meal with a strawberry milkshake and an apple pie , please 我要點一份四號餐,外加一杯草莓奶昔和一個蘋果派,謝謝。

She made them ham and eggs , sausages , heaps of pancakes , bacon and milkshakes 她煮給他們火腿和蛋、香腸、一堆堆的煎餅、培根和奶昔。

After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake 課后我們到學生會大樓一起去喝了咖啡奶昔。

I had a milkshake 我要了一個奶昔

Papaya and banana milkshake 木瓜香蕉奶昔

B : oh , yeah . can you get me an apple pie and a chocolate milkshake 好啊。可不可以幫我買個蘋果派和一杯巧克力奶昔?