
milkmaid 擠奶女工。


Whenever this happened the dairy was paralyzed . squish , squash , echoed the milk in the great cylinder , but never arose the sound they waited for . dairyman crick and his wife , the milkmaids tess , marian , retty priddle , izz huett , and the married ones from the cottages ; also mr clare , jonathan kail , old deborah , and the rest , stood gazing hopelessly at the churn ; and the boy who kept the horse going outside put on moon - like eyes to show his sense of the situation 奶牛場老板克里克和他的太太,住在場內的擠奶姑娘苔絲瑪麗安萊蒂普里德爾伊茨體特,住在場外茅屋里的結了婚的女工,還有克萊爾先生約納森凱爾老德波娜以及其他的人,都站在那兒瞪著攪黃油的機器,誰也沒有辦法在外面趕馬使機器轉動的小伙子眼睛瞪得大大的,對這件事情表現得很關心。

Meanwhile many of the milkmaids had said to one another of the new - comer , how pretty she is ! with something of real generosity and admiration , though with a half hope that the auditors would qualify the assertion - which , strictly speaking , they might have done , prettiness being an inexact definition of what struck the eye in tess 這句話里帶有幾分真正的慷慨,幾分真心的羨慕,盡管也帶有一半希望,但愿聽話的人會對這句評價加以限制嚴格說來,姑娘們也只能找到這句評價了,因為漂亮這個詞是不足以表現她們的眼睛所看到的苔絲的。

To decline to marry him after all - in obedience to her emotion of last night - and leave the dairy , meant to go to some strange place , not a dairy ; for milkmaids were not in request now calving - time was coming on ; to go to some arable farm where no divine being like angel clare was 要是她聽從了自己昨天晚上的感情,拒絕和他結婚她就得離開奶牛場,也就是說,她得到一個陌生的地方去,而不是一個奶牛場。正在來臨的生小牛犢的季節是不需要多少擠奶女工的所以她去的地方就會是一個從事耕種的農場,在那兒沒有安琪爾克萊爾這種天神一樣的人物。

So he played a more coaxing game ; and while never going beyond words , or attempting the renewal of caresses , he did his utmost orally . in this way clare persistently wooed her in undertones like that of the purling milk - at the cow s side , at skimmings , at butter - makings , at cheese - makings , among broody poultry , and among farrowing pigs - as no milkmaid was ever wooed before by such a man 克萊爾仍然堅持不懈地向她求婚,他低聲求婚的聲音就像是牛奶汩汩流動的聲音在奶牛旁邊,在撇奶油的時候,在制作黃油的時候,在制作奶酪的時候,在孵蛋的母雞中間,在生產的母豬中間過去從來沒有一個擠奶姑娘被這樣一個男子求過婚。

Said the dairyman , who held in his left hand a wooden slice on which a lump of butter was stuck . yes - taste for yourself ! several of them gathered round him ; and mr clare tasted , tess tasted , also the other indoor milkmaids , one or two of the milking - men , and last of all mrs crick , who came out from the waiting breakfast - table 有幾個人圍到他的身邊克萊爾先生嘗了嘗,苔絲嘗了嘗,屋子里其他幾個擠奶的姑娘嘗了嘗,還有幾個擠奶的男工也嘗了嘗,克里克太太在屋子外面擺桌子,所以她是最后嘗的一個人。

At last , one day in early may , a letter reached her from a former friend of her mother s , to whom she had addressed inquiries long before - a person whom she had never seen - that a skilful milkmaid was required at a dairy - house many miles to the southward , and that the dairyman would be glad to have her for the summer months 后來在五月初的一天,她收到了一封信,那是她母親從前的一個朋友寫給她的,很久以前,她曾經寫信給她探問過。信中告訴她的南邊若干英里的地方有一個奶牛場,需要一個熟練的女工,奶牛場的場主愿意在她工作一個夏天。

Angel waxed quite earnest on that rather automatic orthodoxy in his beloved tess which never dreaming that it might stand him in such good stead he had been prone to slight when observing it practised by her and the other milkmaids , because of its obvious unreality amid beliefs essentially naturalistic 他心愛的苔絲身上的正統信仰,那完全是自發產生的,他當時看見苔絲和別的擠奶女工按時去作禮拜時,心里也是瞧不起的,因為在她們本質上是對自然崇拜的信仰里,作禮拜顯然就不是誠心誠意的。

He was surprised to find this young woman - who though but a milkmaid had just that touch of rarity about her which might make her the envied of her housemates - shaping such sad imaginings 他驚奇地發現這個年輕的女孩子雖然她不過是一個擠牛奶的女工,卻已經有了這種罕有的見解了,這也使得她與其他的同屋女工不同她竟有了一些如此憂傷的想法。

No sooner had the hour of three struck and whizzed , than she left her room and ran to the dairyman s door ; then up the ladder to angel s , calling him in a loud whisper ; then woke her fellow - milkmaids 三點鐘剛剛敲響,苔絲就走出房間,先跑到老板的房門前叫醒老板,然后從樓梯上樓來到安琪爾的房門前,低聲把他叫醒,最后才叫醒她的女伙伴們。

Before discussion of the question had proceeded further there walked round the corner of the settle into the full firelight of the apartment mr dairyman crick , mrs crick , and two of the milkmaids 他們正要把這個問題再深入地討論下去,身后的拐角處有幾個人走到了有亮光的地方,他們是奶牛場的老板和老板娘,還有另外兩個姑娘。

In the interval which elapsed before the calves were sold there was , of course , little milking to be done , but as soon as the calf had been taken away the milkmaids would have to set to work as usual 在奶牛被賣掉的這一段時間里,自然沒有什么牛奶可擠,但是小牛一旦被賣掉以后,擠奶姑娘們就又要像往常一樣工作了。

The flies in the kitchen were lazy , teasing , and familiar , crawling about in unwonted places , on the floor , into drawers , and over the backs of the milkmaids hands 廚房里的蚊蠅懶洋洋的,一點兒也不伯人,在沒有人的地方爬來爬去,比如地板上柜子上以及擠奶女工的手背上。

The conversation at the table mixed in with his phantasmal orchestra till he thought : what a fluty voice one of those milkmaids has ! i suppose it is the new one 桌子上的談話混合在他幻想中的管弦樂曲里,他心里想: “在這些擠奶女工中間,有一個姑娘的聲音多么清脆悅耳呀!

The small dairies to the west , beyond port - bredy , in which she had served as supernumerary milkmaid during the spring and summer required no further aid 布萊底港以西有一些小奶牛場,在春天和夏天,苔絲在那兒做過臨時擠奶女工,而現在這些奶牛場已經不需要人手了。

The indoor milkmaids , marian and the rest , seemed to guess that something definite was afoot , for they did not force any remarks upon her in the bedchamber 屋內的擠奶姑娘們,還有瑪麗安和其他的人,她們猜測肯定正在發生什么事情,因此在房間里就沒有議論她。

It was a large room over the milk - house , some thirty feet long ; the sleeping - cots of the other three indoor milkmaids being in the same apartment 寢室是牛奶房上方的一個大房間,大約有三十英尺長另外三個在奶牛場睡覺的女工的床鋪也在同一個寢室里。

But the circumstance was sufficient to lead him to select tess in preference to the other pretty milkmaids when he wished to contemplate contiguous womankind 但是這情形已經足以使他在希望觀察身邊這些女性時,選擇苔絲而寧愿放棄別的漂亮女孩子了。

But if it should reach the ears of your friends at emminster that you are walking about like this with me , a milkmaid - the most bewitching milkmaid ever seen “但是如果傳到愛敏寺你家里的人的耳朵里,說你這樣和我散步,和一個擠牛奶的姑娘”

A milkmaid s . it was amazing , indeed , to find how great a matter the life of the obscure dairy had become to him 這個偏僻奶牛場里的生活變成了對安琪爾克萊爾非常重要的事情,這的確讓人感到驚訝不已。