
milkfish 遮目魚。


During the festival , “ spoonbill buses “ take visitors on guided tours around chiku s salt mounds , its internationally known black - faced spoonbill refuge , and its 1500 - hectare lagoon with its oyster frames and sandbars , and a market sells local produce such as muskmelons , cherry tomatoes , spring onions , garlic , sesame oil and canned milkfish 文化節期間,七股鄉還提供有黑琵公車,供游客游覽七股鹽場的鹽山國際矚目的黑面琵鷺保護區廣達一千五百多公頃的舄湖蚵架沙州等景點。現場并有洋香瓜小蕃茄蔥蒜胡麻油虱目魚罐頭等農產品的販售。

Before the farms had mechanical pumps , by dawn each day the dissolved oxygen in the pond water would be so depleted that the milkfish might easily suffocate . the fish farmers slept in the shelters , and as soon as they heard the fish coming up to the surface and trying to breathe air , they immediately agitated the water to aerate it 早期養殖虱目魚,由于沒有機械幫浦,每到清晨,漁瘟水中的溶氧量已經非常稀薄,使得虱目魚容易因氧氣不足致死,此時住在桶間寮的漁民,聽到虱目魚因氧氣不足浮上水面呼吸的聲音,就會立刻為虱目魚注入氧氣。

Hsi nan chun s owner , milkfish farmer wu chung - chang , looking for ways to develop tourism , had the idea of a fish farm holiday resort . he has retained the farm s working fish pools , and recreated the traditional tunnel - shaped thatched shelters on platforms over the pools 近年養殖漁業不景氣,溪南春經營人吳仲常認為養殖漁業必須尋求轉型,朝向休閑漁業發展,因此溪南春不僅保留養殖魚瘟,吳仲常更于魚瘟上架設桶間寮。

A fish dealer named tsai , who has been going crazy lately as the wholesale price of milkfish has plummeted to about nt $ 28 , says with exasperation : “ milkfish used to be a very expensive item , which people only got when recovering from an operation or after having a baby 最近為了虱目魚的批價一斤已經降到二十八元左右的成本價而傷透腦筋的蔡姓業者感慨地表示:過去虱目魚是很高貴的東西,開刀和坐月子的人才吃的。

Chiku is famed for the “ three treasures “ of its aquaculture industry - oysters , milkfish and saltwater tilapia - and also for black - faced spoonbills , salt mounds and mangroves 而七股的自然美景則有黑面琵鷺鹽山舄湖紅樹林,為著名的七股三景。