
milker n.1.擠奶人;擠奶器。2.乳牛。3.【物理學】子同位素...


One of these was a sturdy middle - aged man - whose long white pinner was somewhat finer and cleaner than the wraps of the others , and whose jacket underneath had a presentable marketing aspect - the master - dairyman , of whom she was in quest , his double character as a working milker and butter - maker here during six days , and on the seventh as a man in shining broadcloth in his family pew at church , being so marked as to have inspired a rhyme - 男工中間有一個健壯的中年人,他的長長的白色圍裙比別人的罩衫要漂亮些干凈些,里面穿的短上衣既體面又時興,他就是奶牛場的場主,是苔絲要找的人。他具有雙重的身分,一個星期有六天在這兒做擠牛奶和攪黃油的工人,第七天則穿著精致的細呢服裝,坐在教堂里他自家的座位上。

Why , maidy he frequently , with unconscious irony , gave her this pet name , the prettiest milker i ve got in my dairy ; you mustn t get so fagged as this at the first breath of summer weather , or we shall be finely put to for want of ee by dog - days , shan t we , mr clare “喲,我的大小姐”他經常這樣親切地稱呼她,卻不知道對她正是一種諷刺, “你是我們奶牛場最漂亮的擠奶姑娘了夏天的天氣才剛剛開始,你就困乏成這個樣子,要是到了三伏天,你就不能在這兒住了,那時候我們就遭殃了。

Howsomever , these gamisters do certainly keep back their milk to - day . folks , we must lift up a stave or two - that s the only cure for t . songs were often resorted to in dairies hereabout as an enticement to the cows when they showed signs of withholding their usual yield ; and the band of milkers at this request burst into melody - in purely business - like tones , it is true , and with no great spontaneity ; the result , according to their own belief , being a decided improvement during the song s continuance 當奶牛一出現出奶量比平常減少的跡象,人們往往就采取在牛奶場唱歌的辦法,想用這種辦法把牛奶引出來老板要求唱歌,這群擠牛奶的工人們就放開喉嚨唱起來唱的完全是一種應付公事的調子,老實說,一點也沒有自愿的意思結果,就像他們相信的那樣,在他們不停地唱歌的時候,出奶的狀況的確有了改變。

When they had gone through fourteen or fifteen verses of a cheerful ballad about a murderer who was afraid to go to bed in the dark because he saw certain brimstone flames around him , one of the male milkers said - i wish singing on the stoop didn t use up so much of a man s wind 他們唱的是一首民歌,說是有一個殺人兇手不敢在黑暗里睡覺,因為他看見有某種硫磺火焰在圍繞著他燃燒,他們唱到第十四段還是第十五段的時候,擠牛奶的男工中有人說

Jack dollop , a hore s - bird of a fellow we had here as milker at one time , sir , courted a young woman over at mellstock , and deceived her as he had deceived many afore . but he had another sort o woman to reckon wi this time , and it was not the girl herself “先生,你不知道,從前我們場里雇了一個攪黃油的工人,名字叫杰克多洛普,那個婊子養的和梅爾斯托克的一個姑娘搞上了,他以前騙過許多姑娘,后來又把她給騙了。

During the day the animals obsequiously followed the shadow of the smallest tree as it moved round the stem with the diurnal roll ; and when the milkers came they could hardly stand still for the flies 白天,隨著地球的轉動,太陽也繞著樹干移動,因此哪怕是最小的一棵樹木,奶牛也要跟隨著它的陰影轉動擠奶工人過來擠奶時,由于蚊蠅的叮咬,奶牛幾乎都無法安靜地站著。

About this time they would hear dairyman crick s voice , lecturing the non - resident milkers for arriving late , and speaking sharply to old deborah fyander for not washing her hands . for heaven s sake , pop thy hands under the pump , deb 大約在這個時候,他們聽到了奶牛場老板克里克說話的聲音,責備那些不住在奶牛場里的工人來晚了,又罵年老的德波娜費安德爾沒有洗手。

She saw nothing at supper - time of the superior milker who had commented on the story , and asked no questions about him , the remainder of the evening being occupied in arranging her place in the bed - chamber 吃晚飯的時候,她沒有看見那個評論故事的擠牛奶的上等工人,也沒有問起過他,晚上剩余的時間她都在寢室里安排自己睡覺的地方。

A reply , in the shape of why ? came as it were out of the belly of a dun cow in the stalls ; it had been spoken by a milker behind the animal , whom she had not hitherto perceived 有人接口說了句“為什么” ,聲音似乎是從牛棚里一頭黃牛的肚子里發出來的這句話是那頭牛后面的一個擠奶工人說的,苔絲直到這時才看見他。

The milkers formed quite a little battalion of men and maids , the men operating on the hard - teated animals , the maids on the kindlier natures . it was a large dairy 擠牛奶的工人是由男人和姑娘組成的一小支隊伍,男人們擠的是硬奶頭的牛,姑娘們侍候的則是脾氣比較溫順的牛。

The supply was getting less as the animals advanced in calf , and the supernumerary milkers of the lush green season had been dismissed 隨著母牛腹中的牛犢的長大,牛奶也就出得越來越少了,在草場旺季時雇傭的過多的工人也就被辭退了。

The male milkers , with hat - brims turned down , resting flat on their foreheads and gazing on the ground , did not observe her 擠牛奶的男工們把帽檐彎下來,前額靠在牛的身上,眼睛盯著地面,沒有注意到苔絲。

They were joined by a milker from one of the cottages , and no more was said on that which concerned them so deeply 這時從小屋里走出來一個擠奶工人,和他們在一塊兒了,因此他們共同關心的問題就沒有再談。

The only movements were those of the milkers hands up and down , and the swing of the cows tails 所有的動作只是擠奶工人們的雙手一上一下擠奶的動作,以及奶牛尾巴的來回擺動。

It was sunday morning ; the milking was done ; the outdoor milkers had gone home 那是一個禮拜天的早晨牛奶已經擠完了住在場外的擠奶工人也回家了。

Milker ' s node 擠奶人結節

That cow is a good milker 那頭母牛產奶多

The supernumerary milkers of the lush green season had been dismissed . 牧草茁壯肥美的時季里,臨時雇的擠奶工,也都下工了。