
milk n.1.乳,奶;牛奶。2.乳狀物;乳狀液;【藥學】乳劑。...

milk abscess

I change blood into milk . 我把血液變成乳汁。

The cat licked up its milk . 貓把奶舔干凈了。

Cows supply us with milk . 母牛供給我們牛奶。

The country is now the fancied land of milk and honey . 那個國家現在成了人們向往的安樂鄉。

“drink your milk up, anne, there's a dear. “ “把你的牛奶喝完,安妮,這樣才是個乖寶寶。”

Add the milk to the flour , and then mix in three eggs . 往面粉里加牛奶,再拌入三個雞蛋。

I don't want to upset her on account of the milk . 我不想讓她不高興,要不,會影響奶水的。

The hot weather soured the milk . 天熱牛奶酸了。

The milk is boiling over . 牛奶沸騰得溢出來了。

Please keep an eye on the stove in case the milk boils . 勞神照看爐上的牛奶,別沸濺了。

I dosed myself with hot milk . 我拿熱牛奶當藥喝。

Nonfat dry milk is an inexpensive proteinaceous eluent . 脫脂奶粉是廉價的蛋白質洗脫劑。

Milk solids include salts , protein and sugar . 牛乳中的固態物質包括鹽分、蛋白質和糖。

I skimmed the milk scum off the top with a piece of bread . 我拿塊面包撇下牛乳的浮皮。

The milk has boiled over . 牛奶煮沸了,都溢出來了。

I have enough milk for the coffee -- but only just . 我的牛奶夠喝咖啡用的剛剛夠。

A baby vomits milk from repletion . 嬰兒吃飽會吐奶。

Please chase the milk this way . 請把牛奶遞到這邊來。

The milk had been watered down . 那牛奶已經摻過水了。