
militia n.民兵;〔英國〕國民軍。


I said that his election to the command of the militia would not be pleasing to his majesty 我說推選他作民團司令會使皇上不悅。

These militias are organised around city quarters and surrounding towns 這些民兵是從城區和以及城區附近的鄉鎮中組織起來的。

It would be an excellent way to meet new friends . you could invite the militia 那將是認識新朋友最好的方式你可以邀請民兵們

Iraqi militia groups 伊拉克民兵組織

Red flag militia regiment 紅旗民兵團

Red flag militia battalion 紅旗民兵營

The u . s . accuses iran of funding and arming shiite militia in iraq 美國則譴責伊朗為在伊拉克的什葉派民兵提供資金和武器。

“ pray , miss eliza , are not the - shire militia removed from meryton “請問你,伊麗莎白小姐,麥里屯的民兵團不是開走了嗎?

In addition , the local militia are killing anyone who goes to a different church 另外,當地民兵還在殺害那些走錯教堂的人

You can command the militia only . regulars can ' t be led by a volunteer 你只能指揮民兵正規軍不能由一個志愿兵來指揮

Iraqi and us forces raided the shiite militia stronghold in baghdad today 伊美兩軍今天突襲了巴格達什葉派民兵據點。

Militia combat readiness system 民兵戰備制度

Primary and ordinary militia 基干民兵普通民兵

What if the smolensk people have offered the emperor a levy of militia “斯摩棱斯克人向皇上建議組織義勇軍。

The militia was stood down 民兵已奉命解除警戒狀態。

So ? call the militia , then 那又怎樣?通知衛兵們吧。

A man who is a member of a militia 民兵民兵織中的一員

Iraqi forces and shi ' ite militias clash in southern iraq , killing 15 伊部隊在南部激戰什葉派武裝十五亡

The primary militia may recruit female citizens when necessary 根據需要,吸收女性公民參加基干民兵。