
militate vi.1.發生影響,起作用。2.〔廢、罕〕服兵役,戰斗,...


A phenomenally beautiful tenor voice like that , the rarest of boons , which bloom appreciated at the very first note he got out , could easily , if properly handled by some recognised authority on voice production such as barraclough and being able to read music into the bargain , command its own price where baritones were ten a penny and procure for its fortunate possessor in the near future an entre into fashionable houses in the best residential quarters , of financial magnates in a large way of business and titled people where , with his university degree of b . a . a huge ad in its way and gentlemanly bearing to all the more influence the good impression he would infallibly score a distinct success , being blessed with brains which also could be utilised for the purpose and other requisites , if his clothes were properly attended to , so as to the better worm his way into their good graces as he , a youthful tyro in society s sartorial niceties , hardly understood how a little thing like that could militate against you 倘若他能得到像巴勒克拉夫304那樣一位公認的發聲法權威的適當指導,再學會讀樂譜,既然男中音已多得爛了市,他就不難隨意為自己標價。那樣一來,不久的將來,這位幸福的美聲歌唱家就有機會出入于305經營大企業的財界巨頭和有頭銜者那坐落在最高級住宅區的時髦府邸。不論他擁有的文學士學位那本身就是堂哉皇哉的廣告,還是他那紳士派頭,都足以為本來就美好的印象更加錦上添花,這樣就會萬無一失地取得不同凡響的成功。

But for a range of problems where free riding and public goods aspects militate against the spontaneous development of private organizations , it is important that the social benefits ( and costs ) are clearly known to the polity so that they will be undertaken by government organizations 但是對于一系列問題來說,比如搭便車和公共品,它們會反對私有組織的自發形成,社會收益(和成本)對政黨來說是很明確的,這很重要,那么他們將由政府組織來承擔。

Old age : a diminished sense of taste and smell , loneliness , physical and mental handicaps , immobility , and chronic illness can militate against adequate dietary intake in the elderly 老年人味覺和嗅覺減退、孤獨、身體與精神障礙、不活動以及慢性疾病都會影響上老年人攝入足夠的食物。

While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage , others militate against it . this is particularly the case for african americans 盡管有許多力量在促進異族婚姻,也有因素在妨礙這一進程,對非洲裔美國人來說尤其如此。

Higher efficiency of calcium oxide per unit weight , lower price and reduced transport space requirement militate in favour of burned lime 單位重量的生石灰的高效能,低價和較小的運輸空間要求使得燒石灰倍受寵愛

Some assert that aging ' s complexity will forever militate against the development of anti - aging therapies 有些人斷言,老化的復雜程度將永遠不利于抗老化療法的發展。

The high risks involved in such a business venture militate against finding backers 像這樣的企業投資所冒的高度風險不利于找到贊助者。

The fact that he ' d been in prison militated against his chances of getting a job 他曾蹲過監獄這件事影響了他尋找工作的機會。

His underweight militated against his ever becoming a good sprinter 他體重不足,這使他難以成為一個好的短跑運動員。

His background militated against him 他的背景不利于他。

All this did not militate our success 所有這些并不妨礙我們的成功。

Every fact militated against his argument 每一項事實皆不利于他的論點。

Many factors militated against the success of our plan 有很多因素妨礙了我們實現計畫

Bad weather militates against the success of the picnic 壞天氣不利于野餐的成功。

The dispersal of pupils militates against the neighbourhood school . 把學生分散對鄰近學校起阻礙作用。

Ill health militated against his chance of success ... 身體不好誤了他成功立業的機會。

Two factors may well militate against these benefits . 有兩個因素會妨礙這些利益。