
military adj.1.(opp. civil) 軍人的,軍隊的。2...


Russian military equipment was going to lumumba's army . 俄國的軍事裝備陸續輸送給盧蒙巴的軍隊。

For a military commander , winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence . 勝敗乃兵家常事。

He should vote for compulsory military training for the horse . 他提議對馬進行必要的軍事訓練。

Peace is not solely a matter of military or technical problems . 和平不僅是個軍事或技術問題。

He is a man of a military carriage, with an air of fashion . 他是個風度英武,很有氣派的男子。

The military responses we made were much agonized over . 我們的軍事反應引起了大量痛苦的呻吟。

I'll be damned, i am going to send him to military school . 我可鐵了心了,我要送他上軍校去。

I'm to visit the most secret military installations here . 我將去參觀這里最機密的軍事設施。

Germany lacked the military force to make good his words . 德國缺少能把他的話兌現的兵力。

To the critical military mind this made no sense . 用批判的軍事眼光來看,這樣做毫無意義。

He probably would have preferred a purely military outcome . 他很可能會贊同純軍事的結局。

General ching's agile mind swept into military action . 秦將軍的軍事腦袋飛快開動起來。

What should he find but a military convoy ? 除了一支軍事護送隊以外,他還會發現什么呢?

It would probably mean the end of his military career . 這可能會斷送他在軍隊里的前途。

It is doubtful that nasser sought a military showdown . 納賽爾不見得是要在軍事上攤牌。

British military currency was treated with suspicion . 人們以懷疑的眼光看待英國軍票。

Every military budget was slashed by the congress . 國會對每一項軍事預算都大加砍削。

The police had military back-up . 警方有軍隊作后盾。

Did you go to the military academy ? 你是否念過軍校?