
militarist n.1.軍國主義者,軍閥。2.軍事專家。adj.-ic


Moreover , its underestimation of china ' s strength and the internal contradictions among the japanese militarists have given rise to many mistakes in command , such as piecemeal reinforcement , lack of strategic co - ordination , occasional absence of a main direction for attack , failure to grasp opportunities in some operations and failure to wipe out encircled forces , all of which may be considered the third weakness of japanese imperialism 并且因其對中國力量的估計不足和日本軍閥的內部矛盾,產生了許多指揮的錯誤,例如逐漸增加兵力,缺乏戰略的協同,某種時期沒有主攻方向,某些作戰失去時機和有包圍無殲滅等等,可以說是他的第三個弱點。

The subject this dissertation studies is the zhuge liang temple at mianxian . the temple located hanzhong , ( which is the most important city in three kingdoms period ) . it was built by liu chan - - the king of shu kingdom to offer sacrifices to zhuge liang who was a famous politician , militarist and strategist in three kingdoms period 本課題研究的對象為勉縣武侯祠,位于漢中(三國時期的軍事重鎮)西部之咽喉? ?沔陽(今勉縣) ,它是景耀六年(公元263年)由后主劉禪下詔為祭祀三國時期蜀國杰出的政治家、軍事家和戰略家諸葛亮而修建的祠廟。

Half a century ago , japanese militarists and german fascists committed inhuman atrocities in asia and europe , atrocities which people the world over deplore . how sad to see , half a century later , the same tragedy actually being replayed in indonesia , a country which was not at war 半個世紀以前,日本軍國主義在亞洲,德國法西斯在歐洲干著被全世界人民痛恨的慘無人道的法西斯行徑,半個世紀以后竟然在一個非戰爭環境下的印尼重演這種悲劇,真令人痛心。

In 1935 japan ' s militarists continued their aggression : the puppet regime of east hopei was set up , part of chahar was annexed , and demands were made for the separation of north china from the south , to which nanking partly acquiesced 但是, 1935年日本軍國主義者繼續進行侵略,成立了冀東傀儡政權,并吞了一部分察哈爾,提出了華北脫離南方的要求,對此,南京已經默認了一部分。

As a result , the indonesian people are sinking deeper into dire circumstances . half a century ago , japanese militarists and german fascists commited all kinds of atrocities in asia and europe 半個世紀以前,日本軍國主義在亞洲,德國法西斯在歐洲的殘暴行徑,半個世紀以后竟然在一個非戰爭環境下的印尼重演。

Cao cao , the militarist in ancient china , described the scene : the sun and the moon is nearly appearing in the seawater , you can also see the splendid stars appear and disappear in it 曹操(中國古代軍事家)曾這樣描述來此地所見之場景:日月之行,若出其中;星河燦爛,若出其里。

Would this man receive them as fellow countrymen , or would he treat them with cold suspicion and question them cautiously about their past careers as militarists 這個人會把他們作為手足同胞接待嗎?他會疑慮重重、非常冷漠地對待他們嗎?他會小心翼翼地詢問他們在軍閥時代的經歷嗎?

I enjoy reading biograpies , especially those of well - known statesmen , militarists , scientists and artists . i can learn a lot from their life histories 我喜歡讀傳記,尤其是那些著名政治家、軍事家、科學家和藝術家的傳記,他們的生平使我受益良多。

Specifically , this immensely successful film depicts a rare character in the director s filmography a villain , as portrayed by the militarist uncle 好戰小叔是木下片中少有的大壞蛋,他因避難闖入嫂家,卻橫蠻霸道,擅自讓第三子加入敢死隊。

Judging from this novel alone , akutagawa ryunosuke can be regarded as a keen - sighted , sincere , anti - militarist idol writer in modern japanese literature 他之被奉為日本現當代文學的偶像,從中國讀者的立場觀之也值得欣慰。

The “ meiji restoration ” did not last long : a new band of oligarchs and militarists swiftly gathered real power back “明治維新”沒有持續多久:就迅速回歸到一個寡頭政治集團和軍國主義同流合污共掌實權的新幫派。

The “ meiji restoration ” did not last long : a new band of oligarchs and militarists swiftly gathered real power back 但是“明治維新”卻未能持續很長時間,因為新的寡頭政治家和軍國主義者又迅速的掌握了實權。

In recent years , the japanese militarists have taken advantage of bushido as a way of justifying aggression and expansion 近代以來武士道被日本軍國主義完全利用,成為了侵略、擴張的精神工具。

“ we did not become slaves of the japanese militarists ; we shall not become slaves of american imperialists . “我們不當日本軍閥的奴隸,也絕不當美帝的奴隸! ”

The lugouqiao incident , which occurred on july 7 , 1937 , was staged by the japanese militarists 發生在1937年7月7日的盧溝橋事件,是日本軍國主義者發動的。

This applies to not a few revolutionaries and militarists and other apostles of violence 不少的革命者、尚武分子及其他暴力的信徒們就是如此。

An investigation into the cultural root of ancient chinese militarists ' thoughts on peace 中國古代兵家和平思想的文化根源探析

The japanese militarists started an all - around offensive against china 日本軍國主義者發動了全面侵華戰爭

Napoleon is presumably the greatest militarist of modern times 拿破侖也許是現代最偉大的軍事家