
militarism n.1.黷武主義,軍國主義(opp. pacifism)...


But there is a more hopeful prospect : that mr abe , representing a generational change , pushes forward reforms at home and reaches for a bigger role abroad , while undoing the damage to japan ' s relations with its neighbours caused by mr koizumi ' s stubborn visits to tokyo ' s yasukuni shrine , a symbol of japan ' s past militarism 但還存在一種更為樂觀的可能:安倍作為一種代際更替,將在國內大力推行改革,并在國際上樹立更重要的形象,與此同時,彌補因小泉純一郎固執地參拜象征日本不復存在的軍國主義的靖國神社而造成的日本與其鄰國間破裂的關系。

But there is a more hopeful prospect : that mr abe , representing a generational change , pushes forward reforms at home and reaches for a bigger role abroad , while undoing the damage to japan ' s relations with its neighbours caused by mr koizumi ' s stubborn visits to tokyo ' s yasukuni shrine , a symbol of japan ' s past militarism 但還存在一個較為樂觀的可能性,那就是代表著世代交替的安倍在日本國內推行改革,并在國外發揮更大的作用,同時消除因小泉固執地參拜位于東京、象征著日本軍國主義歷史的靖國神社給日本與其鄰國關系造成的傷害。

Its outcome has made it far more difficult than before to give a hopeful answer as regards far eastern problems , and in particular as regards the question : can china preserve any shadow of independence without a great development of nationalism and militarism 華盛頓會議的結果使得遠東問題的前景更為黯淡,尤其是這樣一個向題:中國能否在不大規模發展民族主義和軍國主義的情況下保持獨立

Post - war japan has established relatively mature congressional democracy based on tri - power sharing , and domestic politics still plays an important role , which leads to elimination of political and social foundation of moving back to militarism 國際社會要理性看待日本的“政治大國”戰略,而作為當事國的日本,也存在理性看待自己“政治大國”戰略的問題。

Abe has moved quickly to repair ties with china strained by the annual pilgrimages of his predecessor , junichiro koizumi , to a tokyo shrine seen by many other asian nations as a symbol of japan ' s past militarism 因為日本前首相小泉純一郎參拜被其他亞洲國家認為是軍國主義象征的敬國神社而使中日關系降至了冰點,安倍上任后迅速修復了這一關系。

10 hypotheses on misperception and the causes of war : hypotheses from psychology ; militarism ; nationalism ; spirals and deterrence ; defects in academe and the press ; accidental war 7 10個關于錯誤認知及戰爭成因的假說:包含根據心理學、軍國主義、民族主義、沖突升高及威懾、學界及媒體之缺陷及意外戰爭等設立的假說。

Europeans , on the other hand , see israel as a reminder of the atavistic forces ? from nationalism to militarism ? that it has spent the post - war years trying to grow beyond 相反歐洲人認為以色列的行動似乎暗示著它在重蹈從民族主義到軍國主義之覆轍,推動以色列走這條道路的力量試圖在戰后數年里面繼續發展。

Europeans , on the other hand , see israel as a reminder of the atavistic forces ? from nationalism to militarism ? that it has spent the post - war years trying to grow beyond 另一方面,歐洲人把以色列看作隔代遺傳的從民族主義到軍國主義力量的提示者,而以色列用戰后數年的時間試圖走出這個范疇。

The militarism that has been received in youth immensely influences on both his literature and politics . the social factors also directly worked on him 青少年時代所接受的軍國主義教育,無論在文學上、還是政治上都給石原以極大的影響。

All this was uttered at the time when japanese militarism was still growing and at the center of japans native land , by the japanese novelist akutagawa ryunosuke 其中的反戰意識與被稱為日本“近代思想之父”福澤諭吉之頌戰思想針鋒相對。

3 . japan ' s national political system and social trend of thought may well be a discipline and check on the japanese militarism , strategy 同時,推動東亞聯合,將日本政治納入地區合作框架之內,可以促進日本未來政治的健康發展。

The yasukuni shrine which honors the second world war era class a war criminals is the spiritual pillar of the japanese national militarism 摘要日本靖國神社供奉著二戰甲級戰犯牌位,是戰時日本軍國主義的精神支柱。

Because it was used in the past to fan the flames of militarism , teaching patriotism has long been taboo in japan 因為過去(類似的方式)曾經被用來對軍國主義煽風點火,教授愛國主義長期都是日本的禁忌。

A member of the prussian landed aristocracy , a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism 容克普魯士貴族地主中的成員,先前與政治上的極端保守主義和軍國主義聯系在一起的階級。

The shrine is a memorial to 2 . 5m japanese war dead , but also the focus for unrepentant militarism 靖國神社是日本為追悼250萬戰役者修建的紀念設施,但也自然成了那些軍國主義死不悔改的眾矢之的。

The shrine is a memorial to 2 . 5m japanese war dead , but also the focus for unrepentant militarism 靖國神社是日本為追悼250萬戰役者修建的紀念設施,但問題的焦點是那些死不悔改的軍國主義。

Junichiro koizumi said his visits to the shrine are meant to honor the war dead , not to glorify japan ' s militarism 小泉純一郎說,他的參拜是紀念戰爭亡靈,而不是美化日本軍國主義。

He savages japan for growing “ militarism . “ he urges his national leaders to actively confront foes 他痛斥日本軍國主義思潮的復辟,強烈要求他的國家領導人積極地對抗這種挑戰。

We can tolerate the revival of japanese militarism no longer and people in hong kong must rise up in protest 我們不能再容忍日本軍國主義復辟,香港人一定要站出來抗議。