
militant adj.1.戰斗中的,交戰中的。2.斗志昂揚的,富于戰斗...


Israeli forces shot five hezbollah militants in two separate incidents 以色列部隊在兩起獨立的事件中射殺了5名真主黨士兵。

[ man ] militants storm - - 戰爭的風暴…

Scottish militant labour 蘇格蘭武力工黨

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 長達41分鐘的錄象被刊登在伊斯蘭教的一個好戰分子的網站上。

A second militant was killed in the clash and 12 others were arrested 戰斗中還有一名激進分子被打死,另有12人被逮捕。

In 2002 , the militant has bombed nightclubs there , killing 202 people 在2002年,他們在夜總會引爆炸彈,殺死202個人。

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 這份41分鐘長的錄像帶出現在一個伊斯蘭游擊隊的網站上。

And israel has again started to crack down on palestinian militants 而以色列也再一次開始了打擊巴勒斯坦武裝的行動。

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 這段長達41分鐘的錄像在伊斯蘭激進分子的一個網站播放。

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 這份41分鐘的視頻發布在一個伊斯蘭激進分子的網站上。

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 伊斯蘭激進分子的一個網站播放了這長達41分鐘的錄像。

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 這段長41分鐘的視頻在一個伊斯蘭激進分子網站上公布。

The 41 - minute video was posted on an islamic militant website 長達41分鐘的錄象被刊登在伊斯蘭教好戰分子的網站上。

He opened the archive , as if in search of some militant information 他打開檔案室,好像要搜尋什么重要軍事情報。

Church of the militant elvis party 武力貓王教會黨

Israeli soldiers also engaged in a firefight with hezbollah militants 以色列士兵還和真主黨武裝發生了交火。

They are battling hezbollah militants in southern lebanon 他們正在黎巴嫩南部與黎巴嫩真主黨武裝組織交戰。

Nepali anti - government militants : the roots and actual effects 試析尼泊爾反政府武裝的歷史根源及現實影響

About 250 militants were killed during the daylong battle 大約250名武裝份子在這一整天的戰斗中被殺害。