
militancy n.1.交戰狀態;好戰。2.戰斗精神;戰斗性。


However , a failure to meet their minimum expectations may create militancy ; more certainly it will curtail the commitment of employees to provide high levels of quality and service to other stakeholders 然而,沒有滿足他們的最低期望可能會產生爭端;更肯定的是,這將使員工給其他利益相關者提供高水平的質量和服務的承諾大打折扣。

Lu xun ' s essays are a unity of thoughts and artistry . the artistry of lu xun ' s essays mainly consists in its militancy , figuration , representativeness , sense of humor and cordial feelings 摘要魯迅的雜文是思想性和藝術性的統一。魯迅雜文的藝術性主要表現在它的戰斗性、形象性、典型性、幽默感及它的真摯情感上。

One reason for the increase in pkk militancy is to goad the government into a cross - border attack which would , in turn , drain it of its growing support among the kurds 工人黨不斷惹事的一個原因是,它想刺激土耳其政府發動越境襲擊,從而反過來使得政府在庫爾德人中間失去支持。

It certainly meant a new militancy and a militancy of action , not the passive fulminations of the demi - militants . this was for watts 這無疑意味著新的戰斗性,不是半戰斗性的。人們不是消極的譴責,而是積極行動的戰斗性。這是瓦茨所需要的。

These elements were not happy with the pro - us policies of benazir and particularly her vocal opposition to islamic militancy and extremism 這些份子并不樂意見到布托的親美的政策,尤其是她的聲明反對伊斯蘭好戰主義和極端主義。

Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour , the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations 全國各族人民意氣風發,斗志昂揚,為實現四個現代化而奮戰。

Deeply suspect to some for his militancy and insurgency abuse , reviewed by other for his non - violence beliefs 人們懷疑他戰斗和起義的觀點,但對他的非暴力信仰表示敬仰。

Until the end of last year it had seemed that islamic militancy was the man threat to bangladesh 在去年底之間,看起來似乎伊斯蘭軍隊曾是孟加拉國最大的威脅。

Out of the ashes of the suffragette movement , phoenix - like , a new feminist militancy was being born (宗教就像傳說中的鳳凰一樣,在戰爭的灰燼中又復活了。 )

Is it valiance and militancy or justice and peace 國歌的品性究竟是應該“激昂尚武”還是應該“中正平和” ?

Because they ' re scared of black militancy in the inner cities 因為他們害怕在市中心的黑人武裝

Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour , the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations . 全國各族人民意氣風發,斗志昂揚,為實現四個現代化而奮戰。

The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy . 排資論輩制度也是導致工會斗爭的另一因素。