
milieu n.〔法語〕周圍,(社會)環境;背景。


This study , based on perceptions of innovation and collective learning , and a case study of yingo ' s ceramic industry , proposes the construction of an innovative milieu and strategies for promoting cultural industry development 本文討論文化產業發展創新與集體學習的特性,并以鶯歌陶瓷文化產業為個案,期能提出文化產業發展創新氛圍營造的方向。

From large - scale photography , and video installations , to paintings and mixed - media pieces , this new exhibition aims to bring to the attention of the international art scene , the interesting chinese art milieu 從大篇幅的攝影作品、影像裝置,到繪畫作品和多媒體影像,這個全新的展覽在中國北京展出后,將在意大利圣吉米納諾市常青畫廊繼續展出。

Researches of the social salvage system seem to be necessary , not only to create and modify a special one in china , but also to provide a stable social milieu for our economic development 對我國社會救助制度的深入研究,不論是對于我國建立和完善具有中國特色的社會救助制度,還是為我國的經濟發展提供一個穩定的社會環境都顯得十分重要。

Discussions of process and methodology are pervasive in the interaction design milieu and often revolve around a perceived tension between process and methodology and the role of design within this discipline 進程和方法的討論在交互設計環境中時普遍深入的,并且經常圍繞在過程和方法學和在訓練中的角色設計之間的感知到的緊張狀態。

It states that all incoming information gets interpreted in accordance with an individual ' s existing central beliefs and predisposition ( psychological milieu ) and thereafter has impact on decision - making 這一理論模式認為,一切客觀的環境和現實因素只有通過決策者認知過程的過濾,才能發生作用,影響外交政策制定。

The comprehensive ability of the enterprises in a given region to perform technological innovation is mainly affected by the outer milieu , besides the restriction of the self - conditions of enterprises 選擇了主成分分析法、模糊綜合評價法、數據包絡分析( dea )中的c2r模型來綜合評價長春市企業技術創新環境的總體狀況。

There is very important application in the drying process of the materiel and in the monitor & measurement of the milieu . the theory of this kind of sensor is introduced 介紹了這種傳感器的工作原理,討論了基于8031單片機的微量水分在線測定儀的結構,設計了傳感器信號調理電路及8031單片機系統,給出了軟件流程圖。

On a completely different note , japan s sal vanilla will combine dynamic mass dance with cutting - edge effects of digital technologies to create a milieu of surrealism in the hong kong cultural centre studio theatre 日本salvanilla以動感十足的群舞配合前衛數碼科技效果,將香港文化中心劇場轉化為超現實空間。

The study of this part proves the feature and changing course of regional innovation milieu of rural industry agglomeration district . the fifth part is conclusion . author puts forword 根據目前鄉鎮企業技術創新中存在的問題,提出了建議和措施,如建立地方性的金融市場、培育區域創新環境、提高企業家素質等。

And vienna never passes up a chance to celebrate its storied past , at , for instance , the famous albertina , which recreates mozart ' s milieu through art works and documents , or the j 維也納從來不會錯過任何一個慶祝其悠久歷史的機會。不用說,收藏著莫扎特生前大量資料的阿爾貝迪納博物館肯定將在今年有所動作。

The singaporean chinese recognise and accept that chinese culture and mandarin must be advanced within the multiracial context of singapore and the political and social milieu of southeast asia 新加坡華人認識到,在促進華族文化和語言的同時,必須照顧到我國多元種族的背景,以及整個東南亞政治和社會的環境。

The singaporean chinese recognise and accept that chinese culture and mandarin must be advanced within the multiracial context of singapore and the political and social milieu of southeast asia 新加坡華人認識到,在促進華族文化和語言的同時,必須照顧到我國多元種族的背景,以及整個東南亞政治和社會的環境。

There are four fundamentally distinct ways to introduce a protein ( or an rna - - for brevity i will hereafter mention only proteins ) into a person ' s cells and / or extracellular milieu 有四種根本不同方法,可以把一種蛋白質(或一種rna ?為簡單起見我此后只談蛋白質) ,引入一個人的細胞和或細胞外環境中。

Some respondents pointed out that arts and culture policy and arts education are intimately linked and they suggested that the government focus on cultivating and promoting a wider cultural milieu 回應意見中,部份人士團體提出藝文政策與藝術教育的發展關系密切,建議政府注重文化氣氛的培養和推動。

This expresses , technology innovation behavior is closely related to the social milieu of enterprise , for the factor supplement directly come to a decision of success or defeat of innovation 這表明,技術創新行為與企業所處的社會環境是密切相關的,創新要素的供給條件直接決定了創新的成敗。

Innovation environment is defined to a total of exterior term as social milieu , which affect technology innovation system ' s existence , circulating and development 創新環境定義為影響技術創新系統存在、運行、發展的外部條件的總和,也就是創新企業所處的社會環境。創新環境的重要性不言而喻。

Enterprises , universities , governments and medial institutions , through varies of learning form , organically link and become a comparatively open learning and innovation milieu 通過各種學習形式將大學、國有企業、政府、行業協會等組織有機的聯系在?起,形成一個相對開放的學習、創新環境。

We believe the young people are active members of our community , and their voice and actions will help shape the social , political , economic and cultural milieu of hong kong 我們相信青少年是社會上的積極分子,年青人的聲音與力量能夠塑造香港社會上政治上經濟上及文化上的氣候與環境。

The government should formulate a long - term policy on the arts and culture , which would involve students , the public and general education , to create a pervasive cultural milieu in society 政府應制定長遠的藝文發展政策,包括學生、公眾及普及教育,并建立社會上整體的文化氣氛;