
milford n.米爾福德〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess . others say theft is a concern since elementary students ca n ' t lock their lockers . “ they are distractions at recess , in terms of kids wanting to play with them , which leads to altercations , “ said peter bonaccorsi , principal of milford elementary school 另一所小學的校長彼得伯納科爾西說: “那些游戲機會讓孩子們在課間休息時變得心煩意亂,由于很多學生在同一時間內都想在它們身上一試身手,這很可能會導致相互間的激烈爭吵。 ”

Some school officials say the games are a distraction and can lead to fights at recess . others say theft is a concern since elementary students can t lock their lockers . “ they are distractions at recess , in terms of kids wanting to play with them , which leads to altercations , “ said peter bonaccorsi , principal of milford elementary school 另一所小學的校長彼得伯納科爾西說: “那些游戲機會讓孩子們在課間休息時變得心煩意亂,由于很多學生在同一時間內都想在它們身上一試身手,這很可能會導致相互間的激烈爭吵。 ”

“ there ' s every chance we could break that record , “ anita milford said . “ these days marriages do n ' t last long . a lot of people get married with the idea that if it does n ' t work out there ' s no worry , but we ca n ' t understand that . 談起婚姻長久的秘訣,他們說并非凡事都要意見一致,每天的小摩擦不可避免,重要的是不要一旦有分歧就想分手,生活就是付出收獲和很多很多的笑聲。

Time lovers frank and anita milford have reportedly become britain ' s longest - married living couple after celebrating their 78th time lovers frank and anita milford have reportedly become britain ' s longest - married living couple after celebrating their 78th 據報道,英國終身伴侶弗蘭克和安妮塔米爾福德夫婦日前度過了78周年結婚紀念日,他們因此成為英國婚齡最長的在世夫妻。

It is possible to take a cruise on the sound , and witness the natural splendour close up , and milford sound is also becoming increasingly popular for more adventurous activities such as kayaking and diving 你可以在響聲中巡游,見證大自然的壯觀,米佛響峽也開始越來越多地成為橡皮船和跳水這樣的冒險活動的勝地了。

Milford sound is perhaps the most famous of the glacier - carved fiords , and here you will find majestic mountain peaks , sheer granite cliffs , ice blue waters and cascading waterfalls 米佛響峽也許在冰雕峽灣中是最有名的,在那里你會看到氣勢磅礴的山峰,峻峭的花崗巖懸壁,藍色的冰水和直奔而下的飛瀑。

Asked for the secret of their enduring union , frank milford , 98 , a retired dock worker , said : “ we do n ' t always see eye to eye and we do have a small argument every day 兩年后,兩人結為連理。當談及維系婚姻的秘訣時, 98歲的退休碼頭工弗蘭克說: “我們的意見并不總是一致,幾乎每天都要小吵一下。 ”

Lifetime lovers frank and anita milford have reportedly become britain ' s longest - married living couple after celebrating their 78th wedding anniversary 據報道,英國終身伴侶弗蘭克和安妮塔米爾福德夫婦日前度過了78周年結婚紀念日,他們因此成為英國婚齡最長的在世夫妻。

Lifetime lovers frank and anita milford have reportedly become britain ' s longest - married living couple after celebrating their 78th wedding anniversary 據報道,英國終身伴侶弗蘭克和安妮塔?米爾福德夫婦日前度過了78周年結婚紀念日,他們因此成為英國婚齡最長的在世夫妻。

They are always by each other ' s side . “ anita milford was in bed for 10 days recently after falling ill and her husband stayed with her the whole time , clarke said 克拉克說,安妮塔最近因病臥床10天,這段時間,她的丈夫一直陪伴在她的身邊。

Anita milford was in bed for 10 days recently after falling ill and her husband stayed with her the whole time , clarke said 克拉克說,安妮塔最近因病臥床10天,這段時間,她的丈夫一直陪伴在她的身邊。

New milford , conn . , feb . 9 ? bernie williams came to this connecticut town friday night to play his guitar in a benefit concert at a church 威廉斯星期五晚上來到康乃迪克城彈著吉他參與慈善義演。

“ there ' s every chance we could break that record , “ anita milford said . “ these days marriages do n ' t last long 米爾福德夫婦的感情久而彌堅,他們希望能夠打破80年的婚齡紀錄。

You have to go back as far as milford haven to see a fire on this scale 你得追溯到米爾福德港大火時,才有如此規模的大火。 ”

“ there ' s every chance we could break that record , “ anita milford said 安妮塔說: “我們很有希望打破紀錄。 ”

“ there ' s every chance we could break that record , “ anita milford said 安妮塔說: “我們很有希望打破紀錄。 ”

Jungle habitat in west milford , new jersey 在新澤西州西米爾福德。