
milestone 1.里程碑;英里程標。2.(一生中或歷史上的)劃時代事件...


Eventually , all of our inch pebbles add up to a milestone 最終,所有的小進展匯集成大的進展。

The it strategy plan - milestones and targets 策略計劃-里程和目標

Meanwhile , milestone builds of geronimo are available see 同時,還有一些geronimo里程碑版本(

Milestones in hong kong environmental protection 香港環境保護里程碑

Displays only those tasks that are milestones 只顯示里程碑任務。

Have the milestones been identified for the new project 新項目里的標志性事件確定下來了嗎?

50 years of tourism : creating milestones together 旅業50載共創新里程

Breaking your project into tasks , phases , and milestones 將項目分割成任務、階段和里程碑

What are tasks , phases , and milestones 任務、階段和里程碑的概念

In this walkthrough scenario , there are three milestones 在本演練方案中,存在三個里程碑。

Milestone birthdays are very important 進入不惑之年的生日是很重要的

Milestones of tencent qq s simultaneous online user accounts 騰訊qq最高在線人數發展歷程:

Each birthday is a milestone we touch along life ' s path 每個生日都是我們生命中的里程碑。

Environmental objectives , targets and milestones 環境目標指標與里程碑

“ dancing beijing “ is a milestone of the olympics “舞動的北京”是一座奧林匹克的里程碑。

Le ' s review our company ' s milestones for last year 讓我們回顧一下公司上年度的重大事件。

This is a milestone set by the ioc 競賽報名終止日期由國際奧委會設定。

Milestone notification via e - mail and text pager 透過電子郵件和文字傳呼提供重要事件通知

It is a milestone in the cultural development of history 這是文化發展中所必經的歷程。