
miler n.〔口語〕作一英里賽跑的運動員[馬];一英里賽跑。


This paper explores physical essence of overrunning clutch torsion stiffness , builds torsion stiffness mathematical model and give calculation method of torsion stiffness in miler overrunning clutch 摘要分析了滾柱式超越離合器扭轉剛度的物理本質,建立扭轉剛度的數學模型,給出了滾柱式超越離合器扭轉剛度的計算方法。

The article recommended by doctor miler centres on the problem of air pollution ; meanwhile , it touches upon other issues such as water pollution 、 noise pollution and visual pollution 米勒博士向我們推薦的文章集中論述了空氣污染問題,同時也提到了諸如水污染、噪音污染和視覺污染等問題。

In order to insure the correctness of analysis of miler theorem , i use simulation to verify and simulative result shows the analysis is correct 為了確保用密勒定理分析電路的正確性,還用模擬來驗證,模擬結果表明了分析的正確性。

When analysing output stage , i try using the miler theorem to analyse it , so quantitative analysis can be deduced and understood easily 在分析輸出級時,嘗試了用密勒定理分析,這樣,定量的分析容易推導、理解。