
mileage n.1.英里數,里程。2.(按英里計算的)運費。3.〔美...


Mileage credits may only be earned on qualifying air tickets with airline partners 只有搭乘伴航空公司之認可客位,方可賺取里數。

Upon expiry of the notice period , all unused mileage sector will be cancelled 通知期到期之后,將取消所有未使用的累積會籍里數航段。

Cathay pacific - frequent flyers : your marco polo club account mileage calculators 國泰航空-飛行常客:您的馬可孛羅會賬戶里數計算器

No - loading mileage 不載貨行程

Air mileage indicator 機載里程計

Duty mileage allowance 外勤行車津貼

Mileage plan status 里程累積計劃情形

Mileage may vary , however , and developers have not completed testing 但是具體情況可能會不同,開發人員也還沒有完成測試。

Conversion of freight mileage 換算貨物周轉量

Nothing i want has this , only virii your mileage may vary 我不需要這個,只有virii病毒需要(具體情況因人而異) 。

Standard test method for relative mileage of news ink on newsprint 新聞紙上新聞油墨的相對油墨遮蓋率的標準試驗方法

Vehicle speed mileage sensor b 車速里程傳感器b

Vehicle speed mileage sensor a 車速里程傳感器a

The expressway mileage from the city proper to guangzhou is 198 kilometers long 市區到廣州高速公路里程198公里。

A new method to draft complicated cross section based on the cass mileage document 里程文件繪制復雜斷面的新方法

That price includes full collision waiver and unlimited mileage 這個價格包括全額免碰撞保險服務,并且不限里程。

I enjoyed an extra 21 % in mileage just after the 1st treatment 在第一次采用之后,我就已享獲21 %更長的駕駛里程!

I think you want to see how much mileage you can get on a full tank 我認為你想知道一個全副武裝的坦克能開多遠

Mileage may vary slightly , but success is almost always guaranteed 里程可能稍有偏差,但幾乎可以始終保證成功。