
mile n.1.英里,哩(=1609米)。2.一英里賽跑。短語和...

mile post

Her house is half a mile down the road . 她的房子位于這條路往前走半英里的地方。

We had to drill 20 miles . 我們得靠兩條腿走二十英里了。

She thinks nothing of walking thirty miles a day . 她覺得一天走三十英里無所謂。

The remaining journey spanned seven hundred miles . 剩下的這段旅程有七百英里。

Her honesty sticks out a mile . 她很誠實,這是有目共睹的。

The forest goes on for twenty miles . 這片森林綿延20英里。

Several miles away, a hill emerged . 在幾英里以外的地方,有一座小山映入眼簾。

The earth 's circumference is nearly 25,000 miles . 地球的圓周約為25000英里。

He ran the mile in record time . 他跑一英里的時間已創記錄。

It is better than nine miles to the nearest shop . 最近的商店離這兒九英里多。

This sports model makes two hundred miles an hour . 這種賽車時速為二百邁。

The forests stretch for hundreds of miles . 森林曼延數百哩。

It is a good three miles to the station . 離車站至少三英里。

Her car goes faster than 110 miles per hour ... 她的汽車的時速超過110英里。

They live miles off the beaten track . 他們住的地方遠離人煙。

It is no more than a mile to the shops . 離商業區不過一英里。

Can your car make a hundred miles per hour ? 你的汽車一小時能開一百英里嗎?

I 'll walk you ten miles any day you like .. 隨便哪一天我跟你競走十英里吧。

The school is three miles distant from the station . 這學校距離車站三英里。