
mildred n.米爾德麗德〔女子名〕。


When mildred combined her musical talents , as the resident expert on spiritual songs , and as the organist for her church , with her sisters expertise in the area of kindergarten education , good morning to all was sure to be a success 瑪德里德是當地贊美歌的專家,再加上她的音樂天分,又是當地教堂的風琴師,而且她姐姐在幼兒教育方面也很有經驗, “大家早上好”一歌無疑是個巨大的成功。

Mildred montag is montag ' s wife , who tries to hide her own emptiness and fear of questioning her surroundings or herself , with drugs , meaningless chatter , and a constant barrage of television 蜜莉孟泰格是孟泰格的妻子,她以服用藥物、聒絮不休地說著無意義的話、并且固定的電視轟炸來試圖隱藏她的空虛、和對外在環境或她本身有所懷疑的恐懼。

Mildred nixon no longer cooks for visiting groups , as she loved to do . but her recipes for foods like fried chicken are still very popular with guests 米爾德里德(蘭蒂的母親)已經不再像過去那樣為到訪的旅行團烹調食物了,但是她炸雞肉的配方仍然是客人們的最愛。

I talked on the phone with ml ' s sister , mildred , and her husband , zeb vance sanders , and with one of ml ' s high - school friends , bill sligh 我和曼梯?里的姐姐米爾德里德及她的丈夫西勃?萬斯?桑德斯還有曼梯?里的一個中學時的朋友比爾?斯萊都通了話。

On top of it all , his wife mildred is annoyed that he is keeping some books , and is scared of what could happen if the fire brigade knew about them 在此之外,蓋的妻子蜜莉惱怒他為何保留這些書,并且擔心當救火隊知道這件事會有怎樣的后果。

We went back to mildred and zeb ' s house for a heaping sunday dinner of ham , peas , congealed salad and lots of iced tea 再后來,我們回到米爾德里德和西勃的住處,吃著大盤大盤的星期日大餐,有火腿、豌豆、冷凝沙拉還有大量的冰茶。

“ i can ' t be a couch potato when i have examinations to think about , ” mildred said , “ i must turn the television off and study “一想到考試,我就不能做‘沙發馬鈴薯’了, ”米爾麗德說, “我必須關掉電視機而去學習! ”

In a scientific life that has been remarkably broad in scope , mildred dresselhaus has not forgotten to go deep as well 蜜德莉崔瑟豪斯的科學生涯,涉及的面向極為廣泛,但是她沒有忽略深度。

After mildred died in 1916 , patty , together with a thirdsisternamed jessica , sprang into action and took mr 瑪德里德于1916年逝世后,柏蒂與其另一個妹妹杰西卡出面將科爾曼先生告上了法庭。

Mildred mcafee horton , president of wellesley college , became the first woman elected a director of new york life 衛思理大學校長霍頓成為首位當選紐約人壽董事的女性。

Two days after its release , charlie married mildred harris , pretty in the same way as his first love hetty kelly 《從軍記》發行兩天后查理與米爾德里德?哈利斯結婚。

The family gathered in the living room included mildred and ml ' s brothers , gene and david 這家人聚集在客廳里,其中有米爾德里德還有曼梯?里的兩個兄弟吉恩和戴維。

Dance classes , mildred ' s academy of dance , guaranteed to get you off my toes , in a week 舞蹈課程,繆德莉舞蹈學院,讓你不再踩到我的腳,一星期保證班。

Mildred asked me to present the ring to the family on the steps of ml ' s high school 米爾德里德要求我在曼梯?里的中學的臺階上把戒指遞交給他們家。

But it is said that captain beatty and mildred know that clarisse has been killed by a car 但是據說比提隊長和蜜莉已經知道她被一臺車給撞死了。

In the hospital , rocky leaves when he sees mildred taking care of charlie 當洛奇到醫院探訪查理時,看到妙芬正在侍奉湯藥,黯然神傷。

His mother , mildred , developed cancer and died when james was only nine years old 母親米爾德里德在詹姆斯僅九歲時就患癌癥去世了。

Upon charlie ' s return , charlie finds out that mildred ' s new boyfriend is rocky 查理返港后,發現洛奇是他的情敵,大怒并追殺洛奇。

Yeah , you ' re still sickeningly handsome , whereas i look like my aunt mildred 沒錯,你仍然很英俊不過我好像已經老了