
mildness n.溫和;柔和。


He looked that day rather thinner after his illness than he had been at the review of olmtz , where bolkonsky had seen him for the first time abroad . but there was the same bewitching combination of majesty and mildness in his fine , grey eyes , and on his delicate lips the same possibility of varying expressions and the predominant expression of noble - hearted , guileless youth 微恙痊愈之后,他今天比博爾孔斯基首次在國外奧爾米茨閱兵場上,看見他時更瘦弱,但在他那俊秀的灰色眼睛中,令人驚嘆的莊重與溫厚的神情兼而有之,他那薄薄的嘴唇上現出他能流露的各種表情,主要是心地善良而且天真無邪的青年的表情。

It was famed that when the dark was about to the end and the dawn was coming , apollo drove his carriage of gold and ivory reined eight deity horses and brought light and mildness to the human and the world . he also was addresses respectfully the favourer - god of the walker and the voyager 傳說每當夜色即將過去,黎明即將來的時候,阿波羅便登上太陽戰車,駕駑八匹神馬,在天空巡視大地,將光明和溫暖帶給地球聲的人類和萬物,他還被尊奉為行路人、航海者的保護神。

Occasionally he came in , stirred the small fire which sufficed for the increasing mildness of the spring , and went out again ; sometimes pausing at the front door , going on to the drawing - room , then returning again to the front door 牧師偶爾走進來,撥一撥壁爐里不大的一堆火,然后又走出去,春天的天氣已漸漸暖和,那一小堆火已經足夠了。有時候他走到前門旁,在那兒站一會兒,又到客廳里去一趟,然后再回到前門旁。

When i could get him to listen , i saw it pleased him that his sister had left her husband ; whom he abhorred with an intensity which the mildness of his nature would scarcely seem to allow 當我好容易使他聽我說話時,我看出他妹妹離開了她丈夫這回事使他很高興他對她丈夫憎惡到極點,其深度是他那柔和的天性幾乎不能容許的。

I can not forget the mildness in your eyes , i can not forget your resentful eyes of that time , i can not forget all that you did for me , i can not forget all of yours that moved me 忘不了你溫柔的眼神,也忘不了那次你充滿怨恨的眼神,忘不了你曾為我做過的一切,忘不了你讓我感動的點點滴滴。

She endeavoured to secure jane in her interest but jane with all possible mildness declined interfering ; - and elizabeth , sometimes with real earnestness and sometimes with playful gaiety , replied to her attacks 她想盡辦法拉著吉英幫忙,可是吉英偏不愿意多管閑事,極其委婉地謝絕了。

Therefore , judges should possess not only public servants ' awareness and honesty but also professional morals which include resolution , caution and mildness 因而,法官不僅要具備公仆意識、廉潔、公正的官德,而且還應具備其作為職業者的職業倫理,即剛毅、謹慎、平和。

Ith fixed assets of nearly 100 million yuan , zhejiang mildness woolen co . has imported the first - rate manufacturing equipment and become a star enterprise in woolen industry 浙江溫暖毛紡有限公司是毛紡行業的明星企業,擁有世界上一流的生產設備,固定資產近億元。

The resilience , tenacity and thriving force of feminine vigor find rich expression in her works , although in a very subtle way and under the mask of peacefulness and mildness 她的作品,其實是以一種平和而潛在的方式不斷向外滲透女性生命力量的堅韌與旺盛。

We believe in the idiom that success always belongs to the diligent . the more mildness wool mildness staff will do our best all along “溫暖人”堅信“一分耕耘,一分收獲” ,只要我們多送一點“溫暖” ,世間便可少幾分寒冷, “溫暖人”將一直為此努力下去。

Efficacy : honey aromatic candle brings sweet and joyful feeling . the room will be filled with warmth and mildness when the candle is lit 功效:甜蜜與愉悅,來自于這個由蜂蜜、蜂蠟組成的蠟燭;燃起時,室內彌漫著溫暖,使人甜蜜、快樂。

Monte cristo poured a little iced water into a glass , and presented it to her , saying with a mildness in which was also a shade of command , - “ courage . 基督山倒了一點冰水給她,用溫和而同時也帶有一點命令的口吻說: “堅強一點。 ”

Many of america ' s current financial troubles can be blamed on the mildness of the 2001 recession after the dotcom bubble burst 多數目前的美國金融問題可以歸咎于2001年互聯網泡沫破滅引起衰退以后政策的寬松。

And by the rapid glance that the young man s eyes shot forth , villefort saw how much energy lay hid beneath this mildness 從那青年人眼里射出來的急速的一瞥,維爾福看出來在溫和的表面下蘊含著驚人的力量。

Bright and clean finesse carries previous only exquisitely carved lovable jade bracelet , mildness have more a female more is charming 光潔的手腕佩上一只玲瓏剔透的可愛的玉鐲,更添女性的溫柔嫵媚!

And what mildness , what nobility in her features and expression ! he thought , as he listened to her timid story “她的面貌和神情多么溫順高尚! ”他聽著她怯生生地講述,想道。

“ she s too nervous , “ said drouet , feeling in the mildness of the remark that he was lying for once “她太緊張了, ”杜洛埃說,自己也感到這批評太溫和,沒有說出實際狀況。

Night lights turn on . enjoy the mildness and aroma of the coffee . go to the 12th floor and relax yourself 夜燈一盞盞亮起,盡情享受咖啡與紅酒堆砌的溫暖和芳香吧!

It needed all jane s steady mildness to bear these attacks with tolerable tranquillity 幸虧吉英臨事從容不迫,柔和鎮定,好容易才忍受了她這些讒言誹語。