
mildly adv.1.溫和地,柔和地。2.適度地。短語和例子put...


“ don ' t be silly , lucy , “ he said mildly . “ how could you hurt me ? 別犯傻,露西, ”他聲調輕柔地說。 “你怎么能傷害我呢? ”

Sichuan chicken mildly spiced 川溜雞條

While you might initially view this example as a mildly interesting use of 雖然最初您可能覺得這個例子只是比較有趣地使用

“ yes , “ answered carrie , mildly , overwhelmed by the man s assurance “是的, ”嘉莉溫和地回答,被這個男人的自信征服了。

Utilizing down - setting gluing structure , to ensure gluing evenly and mildly 采用下置式上膠機構,能保證上膠均勻適中。

She spoke mildly to us 她很和藹地向我們講話

She spoke mildly to us 她很和藹地向我們講話。

She complained loudly to the owner of the store , who answered her mildly 她沖著和顏悅色答復她的店主大聲抱怨。

I was only mildly interested in the story i read in the newspaper 對從報上讀到的那個故事我只是略感興趣罷了。

It is also because their earnings are , to put it mildly , opaque 還因為他們的利潤溫和一點來說是不清不楚的。

Clean the face mildly and make it smooth without strain after cleaning 溫和清潔面部,洗后肌膚潤滑不緊繃。

2 mildly abnormal fear orr nervousness 輕微的異常。

She complained loudly to the shopkeeper , who answered her mildly 她大聲對店主抱怨,店主卻溫和地回答她。

That s putting it mildly when describing avril lavigne 這對avril lavigne而言已經算是溫和的形容詞了。

“ i can t pay you anything on that to - day , “ he said , mildly “可今天我付不了你一分錢, ”他溫和地說。

It s not even fully functional anymore , to put it mildly 完成文章的第一稿之后,我將其發送給編輯。

She felt mildly guilty of something - perhaps unworthiness 她覺得有點內疚-也許是因為受之有愧吧。

“ yours , sir , i ' m sure , “ replied mr . abel mildly “你的,先生,我相信, ”阿伯爾少爺溫和地答道。

I have to admit , i was mildly horrified 我不得不承認,我有點怕了