
mild adj.1.溫和的,溫厚的,溫良的,柔和的,靜淑的。2....


She spoke in a mild sweet voice with a british accent, faintly germanic in intonation . 她用柔和悅耳的嗓音說一口帶德國腔的英國口音。

But he met instead a look of such mild benignity that he was left baffled . 可是他看到他的神色竟如此溫和、寬厚,使他感到困惑莫解。

These are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer . 當人們形容那些善于拍馬屁的人時,這些都是溫和的貶義詞。

Mild steel has a high tensile strength, this being about 200 times that of concrete . 軟鋼的抗張強度大,約為混凝土的200倍。

He met instead a look of such mild benignity that he was left baffled . 他看到他的神色竟如此溫和,寬厚使他感到困惑莫解。

His voice was mild but it had an expectant fearful quality in it . 他的口氣很婉轉,但是聽得出有些擔心而暗帶提防的意思。

They can enhance otherwise mild infections and may reactivate latent viruses . 它們能增強輕微傳染,還能活化潛伏病毒。

Near the southwestern corner, the climate is mild and springlike in winter . 在西南角的附近,冬天的氣候溫暖如春。

She broke from the inconsequent meaningless mild tone of irony . 她中斷了她無關痛癢,無足輕重的溫和的嘲諷語調。

In even the mildest virus infections, millions of cells perish . 即使得了最輕的病毒感染,也有無數細胞死亡。

They can enhance mild infections and may reactivate latent viruses . 它們能增強輕微傳染,還能活化潛伏病毒。

The qualification of such a course of action as conservation is too mild . 把這種行動方針稱作保守是太輕了。

That is to make it more prone to reaction usually under mild conditions . 是讓反應能在更緩和的條件下進行。

There was something very pleasing in his mild blue eyes . 他那雙溫和、蔚藍的眼睛有一種令人十分愉快的東西。

The medicine is mild . 藥性和平。

A wide variety of mild sedatives and tranquilizers have become available . 現在有許多種鎮靜劑和安定劑。

This is a mild drug . 這藥性子平和。

The long, mild summer only tinted it an even richer green . 漫長而溫暖的夏天把它們染得更加郁郁蔥蔥。

Most experts forecast a mild decline in housing starts . 大多數專家預計住房建筑的開工率將有所下降。