
milch adj.有奶的,生乳的,擠奶用的。 a milch co...


In this paper we apply the bar code technology of commodity circulation management in milch cow individual distinction , transform “ equal wide two colousrs bar code “ on its hack to system number through digital image analysis , form the relation of the database code and model of management to realize information management of cattle farm 摘要本研究內容是把物流管理中的條形碼技術應用到奶牛的個體識別上,通過圖像識別技術把涂制在奶牛背部的“等寬雙色條碼”轉換為系統的內部編號,再通過數據庫與奶牛的實際編號相關聯,結合其它的管理模塊來實現奶牛場的信息化管理。

April 3 , 2006 is a day worth marking for cow farmers in horinger as this is the date that the cow farmers association of yadamu village and the lenong milch cow association of gonglama village were voluntarily initiated by farmers of horinger county . they completed the registration with the help of the china - canada small farmers adapting to global markets sfagm project after months of intensive preparation 經過幾個月的緊張籌備,和林格爾縣農民自愿組織的雅達牧村奶牛養殖協會和公喇嘛村樂農奶牛協會在“小農戶適應全球市場發展項目”的幫助下,終于完成了注冊工作。

Perhaps at the moment i decided to be a graduate student , my inspiration was not from goshawks in sky , and from the milch cow in a field ; perhaps i wanted to learn atomic physics in national defence university , and not performance in pla art institute 也許在我決定考研的那一刻,不是看著天上的蒼鷹而是看著牧場上正在擠奶的奶牛;也許我想報考的也不是軍藝的表演系而是國防科技大學的原子物理專業!

So now take and prepare a new cart and two milch cows on which the yoke has never come , and tie the cows to the cart , and bring their calves home , away from them 7現在你們應當把一輛新車和兩只未曾負軛有乳的母牛豫備好,把母牛套在車上,使牛犢回家去,不跟著母牛。

Too many people regard the social security as a milch cow from which they can get an inexhaustible supply of money without having to work for it 太多的人把社會福利看作是無段為之付出蔻,就可以得到源源不斷金錢的財源。

Then the men did so , and took two milch cows and hitched them to the cart , and shut up their calves at home 撒上6 : 10非利士人就這樣行、將兩只有乳的母牛套在車上、將牛犢關在家里。

Thirty milch camels with their colts , forty kine , and ten bulls , twenty she asses , and ten foals 15奶崽子的駱駝三十只各帶著崽子,母牛四十只,公牛十只,母驢二十匹,驢駒十匹。

The boys are old enough to get a job . they are becoming the milch cow of the family 孩子們都已長大,該找工作了。他們將成為家庭的財源。

His interesting patient , jos , was a regular milch cow to the doctor … 他那怪有趣的病人喬斯現在成了這醫生最靠得住的搖錢樹… … 。

Research on situation and mechanized cultivation of milch cow in xinzhou area in shanxi 關于忻州市奶牛養殖現狀及機械化的探討

Nun trinkst du die ssse milch des euters 你從悲哀這頭母牛身上擠奶。

Milch smiled and nodded . he had heard this before 米切爾微笑著點點頭。他以前聽過這話。

She see a group of milch cow standing under the tree 她看見一群奶牛站在樹下。