
milan 短語和例子Milan, Milanon.1.米蘭〔意大利...


We look forward to welcoming you at the antares hotels milan 歡迎您光臨米蘭安他樂思酒店集團

The reports from rome disagree with those from milan 來自羅馬的報導和來自米蘭的報導不一致。

I told him to stay calm and that milan are counting on him 我告訴他別太激動,米蘭還得靠他。

Maldera won 1 scudetto & 2 italian cups with milan 他獲得了一次聯賽冠軍, 2個意大利杯賽冠軍。

The reports from rome disagree with those from milan 來自羅馬的報導與來自米蘭的報導不一致。

Conversion of single - core area of milan in post - industrial time 后工業時代米蘭單功能城區更新

He made his stage debut in milan in 1891 1894年起就在蒙耐伊歌劇院時常登臺獻藝,直至1900年。

I like kaka , ac milan ' s brazilian football star ! 比如,我就很喜歡ac米蘭隊的巴西前鋒卡卡。

Inter milan and olympique lyon are eyeing camoranesi 國際米蘭和里昂正密切關注卡莫拉內西。

Probing into milan kundera ' s thoughts on existing from sabina 從薩賓娜看昆德拉對存在的反思

Oh , milan is a good club ; i think maldine is “噢,米蘭是一個好俱樂部;我認為馬隊是這樣的。

“ for milan this world - class competition represents a lot 對于米蘭,世界級賽事代表了很多。

An italian police officer in milan ' s duomo square 圖示為杜奧莫大教堂廣場上的意大利警官。

A craze for milan kundera and cultural cynicism 昆德拉熱與文化犬儒主義

After a brief return to milan , capello joined roma 在回到米蘭之后,卡佩羅又加入了羅馬。

Of civil engineering from the university of milan 米蘭大學土木工程系

It was not like the way he plays for milan 這不像他為米蘭效力時的風格。

The sky is the limit for the milan president 這位米蘭主席似乎永不滿足。

Milan and liverpool gave it away all the time 可米蘭和利物浦卻老是失誤。