
mil n.1.【電學】密耳(千分之一英寸)。2.【軍事】密位〔...


In 1863 the hong kong government commissioned the royal mint in england to produce the one mil coin 的銀錠和銅錢英國的先令和金鎊

Holy shit , 5 mil 我靠! 500萬

Rice mill grinding wheels : general type “ mil “ , special type marking “ msp 炮彈型砂輪:統一標示sued石磨:一般型mil特殊型msp

Re - affirmation of aa very strong credit rating by standard poor s for mil 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司再獲標準普爾確認aa評級。

I need a half mil 我現在需要50萬

Reaffirmation of aa very strong credit rating by standard poor s for mil 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司再獲標準普爾確認aa評級。

Well , tell harpercollins random house is back up to 20 mil 那么,告訴哈博.科林斯出版社,藍登書屋的價碼重新上升到2000萬美元

Mil spec resistors 22轉半固定精密電阻

Re - affirmation of aa very strong rating from standard poor s for mil 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司再獲標準普爾確認aa評級。

Mil military specification 美國軍用規格

A quarter mil ' s always good 25萬很多了

He won the highest growth senior branch manager of mil in 1999 陳氏于一九九九年獲公司頒發最高增長業績高級分行經理獎。

Mil receives a “ aa very strong “ rating from standard poor s 宏利人壽保險國際有限公司獲標準普爾給予aa極佳評級。

M mil military specification 美國軍用規格

She would need 3 mils to kill herself and additional six mils to servants 她需要3毫升和另外的6毫升的毒要才能做到。

Nbc ' s offering 3 . 25 mil per package of five james bond movies . . 全國廣播公司給1套5部的007系列影片的開價是325萬

Using me for my money , then telling me a quarter mil ain ' t good enough 利用我的錢,然后告訴我25萬不夠跟她生活

Nbc ' s offering 3 . 25 mil per package of five james bond movies 全國廣播公司給1套5部的007系列影片的開價是325萬

A quarter of a mil ain ' t shit 25萬只是一筆小錢