
mike n.邁克〔男子名, Michael 的昵稱〕。

mike fright

Mike : it ' s up to us to help him make friends then 麥克:這得靠我們來幫他交朋友!

On my friend mike ' s show in a few minutes ' time 出現在我們的《麥克說話》欄目中了

Compared to mike , mary doesn ' t study very hard 同邁克比起來,瑪麗學習不算努力。

Mike , mike , mike . still feeling pretty low , huh , pal 還是沒精打采的,哈,伙計?

Mike ( stay ) at home because he ( is ) ( not ) ( comfortable ) Mike呆在家里因為他不舒服

“ mike lea has been consistent all the way through “基蘭.李本賽季表現十分穩固。

Mike was about to begin , but john spoke first 邁克正要開始發言,但約翰先講了。

Mike : so steven won ' t be able to come in today 邁克:所以史蒂文今天不能來了。

Mike : did your whole family work on the farm 邁克:你們全家都在農場上干活嗎?

Steve francis and mike james are returning to town 弗朗西斯和詹姆斯也回來了。

He ' s on his way here to meet with mike novick 他正在前來密見麥克?諾瓦克的路上

So , we mike ourselves . carry a decibel comp 所以我們要自行測音量攜帶一個分貝器

Mike : terrific . i feel pretty good this morning 邁克:棒極了。我今天感覺很好。

Mike : that ' s right . only a week till christmas 邁克:對,再過一周就是圣誕節了。

Mike : we don ' t try to play up the twin thing 我們并不鼓吹(自己的)雙胞胎身份。

Director of investment promotion for investhk , mike rowse 投資推廣署署長盧維思

Spike and mike sick and twisted festival of animation 史派克與麥克惡心扭曲卡通節

Mike , i ' m not ready for total responsibility 我都還沒有準備好擔負所有的責任。

Mike wanted to help people so he became a doctor 邁克想幫助人們,所以就當了醫生