
mikado n.〔常作 M-〕日本天皇〔西洋人對日本天皇的稱呼〕。


The strength of the japanese army lies not only in its weapons but also in the training of its officers and men - - its degree of organization , its self - confidence arising from never having been defeated , its superstitious belief in the mikado and in supernatural beings , its arrogance , its contempt for the chinese people and other such characteristics , all of which stem from long years of indoctrination by the japanese warlords and from the japanese national tradition (一三)日本軍隊的長處,不但在其武器,還在其官兵的教養? ?其組織性,其因過去沒有打過敗仗而形成的自信心,其對天皇和對鬼神的迷信,其驕慢自尊,其對中國人的輕視等等特點;這是日本軍閥多年的武斷教育和日本的民族習慣造成的。

Mikado is the soul of japanese militarism and fascism . during the post - war period , us maintained japanese mikado to meet its need of global strategy , which became the source of japanese government ’ s distorting and negating invasion history 日本天皇和天皇制是日本軍國主義、法西斯主義的精神源泉和支柱,戰后理應予以廢除,但是美國為了本國的利益卻保留了天皇和天皇制,這就成為日本政府拒不認罪的一個精神根源。

It was , perhaps , rather early in the morning to get up a concert , and the audience , prematurely aroused from their slumbers , might not , possibly pay their entertainer with coin bearing the mikado s features 不過要是馬上就拉開場子賣唱,似乎時間還太早了一點,那些硬是被他吵醒了的歌迷八成也不會拿出鑄著天皇肖像的錢幣賞給歌手。

Oh , hang around - and have tea in some fine tea - place like the mikado - and go to the pally or the pictures or the empire , with some girl . the girls are as free as the lads “呀,他們在那里閑蕩到講究的茶園如美卡多一樣的地方去晚上茶帶著女友到跳舞廳或電影院或皇家允院去,女孩們和男孩們一樣的放流無題。

They went to see “ the mikado “ one evening , an opera which was hilariously popular at that time 一天傍晚,他們一起去看“日本天皇” ,這是一出當時很流行的歌劇。

Tv talents and mikados are ubiquitious not as a generic name but allegories to be referred to 稱謂雖有所不同,日本天皇與藝能明星卻如出一轍。

Analysis on the emergence and development history of japan mikado and japan mikado institution 日本天皇和天皇制產生和發展歷史探討

Second part is the preservation of japanese mikado and the system of mikado autocracy 第二部分是美國對日本天皇和天皇制的保留。

Mikado yuren and bacteriological warfare 日本天皇裕仁與細菌戰

Mikado hirohito and lugou bridge event 日本天皇裕仁與盧溝橋事變

On the modern japanese army men ' s mikado cult 論近代日本軍隊的天皇崇拜

Japanese traditional political culture - shinto , mikado and bushido 天皇制與武士道

It is the dagger sent by the mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri . 那是一把天皇賜給他父親命他剖腹自殺的短劍。