
migratory adj.移棲的,移居的;移動的;游牧的;漂泊的。 a m...


Yiyang , the site of the outbreak , lies next to lake dongting , which hosts many migratory birds 此次事件的發生地益陽靠近洞庭湖,而那里有許多候鳥。

Conservation of these important sites is vital for the long - term survival of these migratory birds 保育這些重要的濕地,可以長遠保護這些遷徙鳥類。

Yiyang , the site of the outbreak , lies next to lake dongting , which hosts many migratory birds 爆發地區宜陽,靠近洞庭湖,該湖有大量的遷移的鳥類。

From there they arrived in guangdong ' s meizhou area and then to huizhou , a six - step migratory process 遷徒過程大致上與客家人的六次大遷徙相吻合。

It is the first time that the reproduction of this kind of migratory bird has ever been recorded 這種候鳥的繁殖成功的記錄,在杭州尚屬首次。

Since there lives about 100 , 000 migratory birds , the island is called “ the kingdom of birds “ 鳥島上棲息著近10萬只候鳥,堪稱“鳥的王國“ 。

Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals , bonn , 23 . 6 . 1979 1979年6月23日訂于波恩的《保護野生動物遷徙物種公約》

Migratory birds and whales rely on stored fat to fuel their long , strenuous journeys 候鳥和鯨靠著燃燒體內儲存的脂肪完成漫長艱辛的遷陡。

Yiyang , the site of the outbreak , lies next to lake dongting , which hosts many migratory birds 爆發地宜陽臨近許多候鳥的聚集地洞庭湖。

The part of migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied 一部分候鳥在傳播該種病毒方面的作用現在仍處于研究階段。

The part that migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied 人們對其中部分侯鳥是否導致病毒傳播的研究仍然繼續。

The region , which has several large lakes , is known to lie along migratory routes 這個地區,有幾個大型湖泊,位于候鳥的遷徙路徑中。

The little egrets in europe are migratory birds who winter in africa 小白鷺在歐洲是夏候鳥,南飛至非洲過冬,在其馀地方的都是留鳥。

Survey on species of migratory birds in pingfengjie in hunan province and their migratory habits 北京市區流浪貓密度的初步抽樣調查

The part that migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied 但候鳥在病毒傳播中所扮演的角色仍待進一步研究。

Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their nests in your voice of love 流浪的歌曲飛出我的心,在你愛的呼喚中尋找巢穴。

Its insurance gold is not migratory , its insurance number also is not done fluctuant 其保險金不遷移,其保險編號也不做變動。

Migratory songs wing from my heart and seek their nests in your voice of love 飄零的歌曲飛出我的心田,在你愛之呼喚中覓巢。

The part that migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied 在候鳥中傳播病毒的部分仍然處于研究當中。