
migration n.1.移住,遷移;移動;徙動。2.(鳥)移棲,遷徙;(...


For more information about data migration , see 有關數據遷移的更多信息,請參見

Application development and technology migration services -智能式考勤及計量系統

Plastics . determination of migration of plasticizers 塑料制品.增塑劑轉移性的測定

On the influence of labor migration on human capital 論勞動者遷移對人力資本的影響

Does it support checkpoints and process migration 要支持檢查點和進程遷移嗎?

Three - pass 3 - d pre - stack migration by radon projection 三步法三維疊前拉東投影偏移

Migration of the peis in hedong in the jin dynasties 兩晉之際河東裴氏播遷考論

On the questions about rural labor migration in china 中國農村勞動力轉移問題探析

Migration and nerve net building of neural stem cells 神經干細胞的遷移和網絡化

And its eco - migration has typical characteristics 其生態移民也具有典型特征。

For any migration , determine how to add a 所提到的那樣,任何遷移都要決定如何添加

The other migration path took humans to central asia 另一遷移道路把人帶對中亞。

For more information on database migration , see 有關數據庫遷移的詳細信息,請參閱

This year , the migration is a little unusual 今年,它們的遷徙會有一點不尋常。

Study of transition and migration based on ipv4 ipv6 network 6網絡的過渡遷移研究

For more information about package migration , see 有關包遷移的詳細信息,請參閱

The following table shows possible migration paths 下表顯示了可能的遷移路徑。

The migration process , however , posed a challenge 但是遷移過程提出了一個挑戰。

Choose destination location package migration wizard 選擇目標位置(包遷移向導)