
migrant adj.= migratory.n.候鳥;移棲動物;移居...


Or one big migrant labor camp ? no offense intended 或者是一個大的移民勞動所?不是有意的冒犯

These migrant workers are constantly moving 這些流動工作到處移動。

Migrants and famine in ping - cheng district in northern wei dynasty 北魏平城地區的移民與饑荒

Quality migrants and mainland resident section 優秀人才及內地居民組

Study of the migrants problems in the three gorges reservoir area 三峽庫區外遷移民問題研究

Quality migrants and mainland residents section 優秀人才及內地居民組

Migrants and spirits of modern hunan intellectuals 移民與近代湖南士風

The change of household and the influence of in - migrants 北京市家庭戶的變化及外來人口影響

Segregation , exploitation of migrant workers , 種族歧視,剝削移民勞工

Investigation on temporary migrants of taxi industry in lhasa 拉薩出租車行業流動人口調查

Voluntary isolation of urban migrant laborers 城市民工群體的自愿性隔離

The effect of reservoir migrants ' reverse migration 水庫移民返遷的后果

Educational problems of migrant children 關于流動人口子女教育問題的調查

Health promotion strategies for the city migrant workers 城市外來務工人員的健康促進策略

Olympic games and the beijing migrants ' problems 2008年奧運會與北京的流動人口問題2008

The investigation of migrants under 河南省淅川縣南水北調中線工程移民調查

The army comprised of both the local and migrant soldiers 軍隊由地方和移居戰士組成。

Structure and action : an analysis of migrants social network 流動農民的社會網絡分析

A practical model for forecasting china ' s migrant population 模型在人口預測中的應用