
migraine n.〔法語〕【醫學】周期性偏頭痛。


About 90 per cent of migraine sufferers have their first attack before they are 40 大約百分之九十的偏頭痛患者在40歲之前第一次發作。

People who suffer migraine headaches can now look to the sky as a possible cause 患有周期性偏頭痛的人現在也許可以從天上找到病因。

Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture on no - premonitory migraine at remission stage 針刺治療緩解期無先兆偏頭痛療效觀察

The influence to cerebrovascular hemodynamics of migraine with taohongsiwu decoction 桃紅四物湯對偏頭痛患者腦血流動力學變化的影響

Do you think i have the same old migraine attacks , a stroke or brain tumor 你認為我這個是老毛病偏頭痛,還是中風或者腦瘤呢?

Nearly 9 times out of 10 , those kids come from families with a history of migraines 這些孩子中接近90來自有偏頭痛病史的家族。

Therapeutic effects of stellate ganglion block with super lizer ha - 550 on migraine 超激光疼痛治療儀星狀神經節阻滯治療偏頭痛14例

Comparative study on clinical therapeutic effects of acupuncture and medicine on migraine 針刺與藥物治療偏頭痛臨床療效對比研究

I have a migraine 我得了偏頭痛。

Investigation of acupuncture on the treatment of migraine with abnormal hemorrheology 針刺治療血液流變學異常偏頭痛的臨床研究

Fifty - three patients of migraine treated with needling pass through shuaigu point to jiaosun point 率谷透角孫治療偏頭痛53例

Seventy - six patients with migraine treated by traditional chinese drug combined with acupuncture 中藥結合針灸治療偏頭痛76例

Observation on migraine 41 cases treated with compound danshen root dripping pills 復方丹參滴丸治療不穩定型心絞痛的臨床觀察

Clinical observation on migraine treated by toutongning capsule 中西醫結合治療青春期無排卵性功能失調性子宮出血108例療效觀察

Clinical observation of ingredient - modified taohong siwu decoction in treating migraine 桃紅四物湯加減治療偏頭痛臨床觀察

Sixty patients with migraine treated by electro - acupuncture combined with wrist acupuncture 電針透刺配合腕針治療偏頭痛60例

For your migraine 看看你的偏頭疼啊

Effect of acupuncture on automatic nervous system in the patient of migraine 針刺治療偏頭痛及其對自主神經系統功能的影響

The treatment of 35 cases with migraine by point irradiation with he - ne laser 氦氖激光穴位照射對胃癌病人免疫功能的影響