
mignonette n.【植物;植物學】1.木犀草。2.灰綠色。3.法國細絲...

mignonette tree

Clustering analysis with comparability among samples showed : genetic distance ( 02863 ) is shortest between grayer leaf on wulimu grass and mignonette leaf on wulimu grass , genetic distance ( 0 . 3590 ) is longest between mignonette leaf on green grass and mignonette leaf on wulimu grass 在種間的遺傳相似度的聚類分析中,五里木灰色羊草和五里木灰色羊草遺傳距離最近為0 . 2863 ,綠色草原灰綠和五里木灰綠羊草之間距離最遠為0 . 3590 。

And once i played marbles when i went to that old dame s school . she liked mignonette . mrs ellis s 當我在那位年邁的女老師開的學校就讀時,也曾玩過彈珠兒,她喜愛木樨草。

Shannon index showed biggest variations of populations was mignonette leaf on wulimu grass . 4 從shannon指數來看,群體變異程度最大的是五里木灰綠色羊草。

The seeds of mignonette rained on his neck, and as she let the blossoms fall, their perfume fanned his face . 木犀草的種籽象雨似地落到他脖子上,而當她讓盛開的花朵掉下來的時候,花兒的芬芳朝他的臉上直撲過來。

Then, suddenly, as he rested there, the room was filled with the strong, sweet odor of mignonette . 忽然,就在他休息的時候,滿房間都是木犀草濃郁的芬芳。

The perfume of mignonette had departed . 木犀草香味已杳然消失。