
mignon adj.〔法語〕嬌小玲瓏的,可愛的。n.可愛的孩子。


Shouted mignon , bringing down his huge hands on the journalist s slender shoulders with such force as almost to double him up . prulliere and clarisse refrained from laughing aloud 米尼翁嚷道,他用粗大的手往記者瘦削的肩上一拍,他被拍得腰都彎了。

Would not madame be proud to get such a rich gentleman away from her rival rose mignon - a man , moreover , who was known in all the theaters 如果太太能從她的情敵羅絲米尼翁手中把這位如此富有在每家劇院里都赫赫有名的先生奪過來,難道不感到自豪嗎?

Mignon was listening with half - closed eyelids and nervously twisting a great diamond ring round his finger . he had quite understood that nana was in question 米尼翁耷拉著眼皮聽著,一邊使勁轉動著手指上的大鉆石戒指,他明白了,他們談的是娜娜。

But when mignon continued urging her to come away with them on the morrow nana grew exasperated and declared that she did not intend taking advice from anybody 而米尼翁催促她第二天與他們一起走,娜娜惱怒了,她宣稱不接受任何人的意見。

Nana and rose mignon rolled up an armchair , into which bordenave let himself sink , while the other women slid a second one under his leg 娜娜和米尼翁推來一張扶手椅,博爾德納夫一屁股坐下去,其他女人又推過來一張扶手椅,讓他擱腳。

Here was a position that would have to be won again . from fireplace to console table mignon paced , sunk in thought yet still unconquered by circumstances 米尼翁心緒不寧,但仍然露出高傲的樣子,在壁爐和蝸形腳桌子之間踱來踱去。

On one occasion only he had met mignon with an armful of flowers , putting his sons through a course of botanical instruction in a by - path 只有一次,他在一條小徑上遇到米尼翁,他的懷里抱滿了鮮花,他在給兒子們上植物課。

Mignon and steiner were together in a lower box , sitting side by side with their arms leaning for support on the velvet balustrade 米尼翁和斯泰內一起坐在樓下一個包廂內,手腕靠在欄桿的天鵝絨罩上,肩并肩地坐著。

Then mignon remained alone with steiner , put his elbows on the table and spoke to him at close quarters . “ it s an understood thing , eh 于是,僅剩下米尼翁和斯泰內兩人,米尼翁把肘支在桌子上,面對面地對他說:

The banker turned back and reappeared with the fan while mignon embraced nana fraternally and forced rose to do so also 斯泰內和米尼翁是跟在羅絲后面進來的。銀行家轉身出去,不一會兒,他拿著扇子回來了。

Fauchery and la faloise , being among the earliest to emerge , met steiner and mignon in the passage outside the stalls 福什利和拉法盧瓦茲是頭一批走出去的,他們在正廳前座的走廊里碰見了斯泰內和米尼翁。

She did not know them in the least . whereupon with some embarrassment she questioned bordenave , mignon and labordette about them 這時,她很尷尬,就問博爾德納夫米尼翁和拉博德特是否認識這些人。

He had rose mignon on his right and lucy stewart on his left hand , and they promised to take good care of him 羅絲米尼翁坐在他的右邊,呂西斯圖華坐在他的左邊。他們兩人答應很好照料他。

Said rose mignon . mignon , who was toying with his watch chain , eyed the journalist for a second or two with his severe glance 米尼翁正在玩他的表鏈,聽了這話,眼睛狠狠地瞪了記者一會兒。

“ it s going badly , “ said mignon radiantly to steiner . “ she ll get a pretty reception ; you ll see ! “這下可糟了, ”米尼翁高興地對斯泰內說道, “你等著瞧吧,觀眾會給她點顏色看看的! ”

Mignon assured them that there was no need to hurry ; it would take twenty minutes to set up the scenery for the third act 米尼翁向大家說,不必趕緊進場,第三幕布置布景就要花二十分鐘。

Mignon , with an anxious air , at last got hold of steiner again , the latter not having been to see rose s costume 米尼翁露出焦急的神態,最后拉著斯泰內走了,他沒有去看羅絲的演出服裝。

Said rose , addressing her remark to mignon . “ you know the marquis de chouard , at whose place i went to sing 羅絲對米尼翁說, “你知道,他就是舒阿爾侯爵,我不是到他家里唱過歌嗎?

“ aha , my buck , you ve insulted fontan , “ resumed mignon , who was doing his best to force the joke “啊!好家伙,你侮辱了豐唐, ”米尼翁跟他開玩笑,說道, “當心!一,二,嘭!