
mighty adj.(mightier; -iest)1.強大的,有...


Several of the powerful french barons, including the mighty duke of burgundy, joined the english . 好幾個有權勢的法國貴族,包括勃艮第大公爵在內;都與英國相勾結。

Although she was a shy little thing, and she never grew very big or very strong, her spirit was mighty . 她雖然身材不高,性格靦腆,且很瘦弱,意志卻十分頑強。

I don't know why, for i always thought that town a mighty pushy, impudent sort of place . 我也不懂為什么,因為照我看起來,那個城市是十分好動的,而且魯莽。

We had mighty good weather, as a general thing, and nothing ever happened to us at all, that night . 我們經常遇到極好的天氣,那天夜里根本沒有遇見什么事。

Then i had to look at the river mighty quick, because there was a snag in the fairway . 那時我無暇細看,兩眼忙緊瞅著河面,因為在那河道上出現了一處樹樁。

“looks to me like he's a mighty good man,“ said sarah. “he sure is praying all the time. “ “依我看,他是個了不起的好人”薩拉說。“他總是在祈禱。”

A wagon was one of the things he couldn't tug along with his mighty jaws, and he knew it . 他很清楚,他牙齒再堅硬有力,也無法拖住馬車這類龐然大物。

A mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea . 有一位大力的天使舉起一塊石頭,好象大磨石,扔在海里。

Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the pleasant land . 小小的水點,小小的沙粒,構成浩渺的海洋和歡娛的土地。

For journalists and radio commentators the raid had been a mighty shot in the arm . 對新聞記都和電臺的時事評論員來說,這次出擊倒是一大興奮劑。

Ah, those were the signs of real love, of the love that is mighty and triumphant . 啊!那都是真正的愛情,是全能的、無往而不勝的愛情的標志。

High, on the topmost rock of the mighty mountain a wonderful bird had built her nest . 在這座大山最高處的一塊石頭上,一只奇異的鳥筑了巢。

It was mighty cool and shady in the deep woods even if the sun was blazing outside . 雖然外面太陽像火燒似地曬著,深林里卻非常陰涼。

None the less we rejoiced to have this mighty nation in the battle with us . 雖然如此,我們仍然歡迎這個強大的國家同我們并肩作戰。

The king is a mighty monarch but full of pride, harsh and cruel . 那個國王是個威勢無比的君主而且十分傲慢,生性殘暴,待人苛刻。

Tom, this is a very important congressman carter. take mighty good care of him . 湯姆,這位貴賓是卡特議員,要格外小心照料。

He's mighty puzzled and he's going down there later to talk to the skipper . 他也正莫名其妙呢。一會兒他要找那個艇長談談去。

A tiny insect , trying to shake a mighty tree , is ludicrously ignorant of its own weakness . 蚍蜉撼大樹,可笑不自量。

A mighty army, led by the great king of persia, had come from the east . 波斯大王率領的一支強大軍隊,從東邊開了過來。