
mightiness n.1.強大,有力;偉大。2.高位,高官。3.〔古語〕〔...


Compact in configuration , mightiness in function , convenience in manipulate and high resolution , high efficiency , low cost are all the characteristics of this instrument . in the end , we give a brief introduce about some common analysis methods on oae signal . and lay a emphasis on wavelet and improved wigner - vill used in the analysis of soae and teoae , comparing with the tradition method , these new time - frequent methods have better time - frequent characteristic , are fitter for the oae signals 最后,該文分別對耳聲發射信號的常用分析方法進行了介紹,并重點介紹了用小波變換、改進的維格納分布等方法分別對soae信號、 teoae信號進行分析的情況,與傳統的處理方法相比較,時頻分析方法由于具有較好的時頻分辨率,更適合于耳聲發射信號的分析。

The conclusion comes out that , the bad diathesis of the majority of the ming emperors and the standing harassment by the japanese pirates make up the occasionality of the long - time ban on the maritime trade , whereas mightiness of the traditions and continuance of making light of commerce , etc , are the inevitability of the historical result 結論是,明朝大多數帝王低劣的為君稟賦和日本海盜對明朝海疆的持續侵擾,是造成明朝海禁的偶然性歷史原因;而保守封閉的社會習俗、輕商主義的存續等傳統文化的強大,是海禁難以消除的必然性致因。

The lai wu is in the centre of shandong province , it ' s economic situation is get behind . so the icbc lai wu branch has many problem in the organization management . for example , the organization overstaff , the people is irresponsible for , culture is obdurate etc . as result , what is very important to the icbc lai wu branch to improve her strength is that build the modern bank system quickly and practice the reformation mightiness 地處魯中、經濟欠發達地區的中國工商銀行萊蕪市分行,經濟環境較差,長期粗放型經營遺留的問題較多,分行機構臃腫,人浮于事問題突出,面對挑戰和機遇,進一步加快現代銀行制度建設,著力推進組織變革,對于實現萊蕪工商銀行的可持續發展,顯得重要而緊迫。

This be that one be very excellent of originality the money belong to record and was full of black metals of originality untamed nature , lord sing to give a long whistle of si call is called ai hao by me , this kind of special money sing a method in 《 the disappearance 》 this work most is body now , at five mightiness of originality the money belong to be over after , end is a cheerless fiesta gift music , the record still added four music band spot of 03 years at wuhan recording , very fascinating 這是一張非常優秀的原始黑金屬唱片,充滿了黑金屬的原始野性,主唱長嘯的嘶叫被我稱作哀嗥,這種獨特的黑金唱法在《失蹤》這首作品里最為體現,在五首強烈的原始黑金屬結束之后,最后是一首陰郁的祭禮音樂,唱片還加了四首樂隊03年在武漢的現場錄音,非常精彩!

Builded on windows 98 , the whole system is developed with vc6 . 0 + + , and using access database for managing input and output of data , thus not only taking advantage of convenient and efficiencies of software exploited in windows environment , but also making most use of virtues of concision and efficiencies and mightiness of c + + language 系統是在windows98平臺上采用vc + +與access數據庫實現的,即利用了在windows環境下開發軟件的便捷性與高效性,又充分發揮了c + +語言的簡潔高效、功能強大的優點。程序中用到數據庫編程語言sql對數據庫進行操作。

Their sport perception becoming more reasonable than ever , the sports quality appear the development ' s high peak period , but exercising ability lower , the exercising behavior girl than boy expressing more enthusiasm but little acting , the selection of exercising item is influenced by the social role expect , the feeling of exercise to appreciate beauty is romantic , inconstancy , mightiness and special 大學生的運動認知趨于人文理性,運動素質出現發展的高峰期,但運動能力走低,運動行為女生較男生表現為熱情高而行動少,社會對角色的期待影響運動項目的選擇,運動審美感受則表現為浪漫、易變、強烈和獨特。

Manufacturing is on the foundation , one state modernization rest up on mightiness reliable advance manufacturing foundation , is “ reliable modernization , secure modernization “ ; of economic development possess . it is one importance field that set obtain employment incompatible ; it was not only high and new technology “ s bearer , but its power also . it is important attribute and object in our country ' s industrializatoon , it is also driving force in urbanized . manufacturing production mode is confronted with graveness change , it is confronted with from “ ford mode “ transiting to “ flexible mode “ , from extensive management transiting to intensive farming , it is still confronted with advanced technology and powerful capital competition abroad after intered into wto ; it is backbone industries and dominant strength and primary revenue source industry in zhejiang economic development , actually zhejiang is becoming manufactured product critical industry export depot of inland , zhejiang manufacturing possess unique industrial organize form , created unique institution and culture , it has become theoretical investigation prototype of inland . this article handles active branch of modern economics - industrial economics , to investigation the importance industry in this representative region , in the hope of obtain beneficial research findings 制造業在經濟發展中具有重要地位,它是一個國家經濟發展的基石,也是增強國家競爭力的基礎,一個國家現代化建立在強大可靠的先進制造業基礎上,是“可靠的現代化、安全的現代化” ;制造業是解決就業矛盾的一個重要領域;制造業不僅是高新技術的載體,而且是高新技術發展的動力。在我國制造業現代化是工業化的重要標志和目標,也是城市化的推動力。制造業的生產模式面臨重大變革,面臨從“福特模式”向“柔性模式”轉變,從粗放經營向集約經營轉變,還面臨入世后國外先進技術和雄厚資本的競爭;制造業在浙江是支柱產業,是浙江經濟發展的主導力量,如今浙江已成為國內重要的工業制成品出口基地、主要的稅收來源產業,浙江制造業還具有獨特的產業組織形態,創造了獨特的制度與文化,成為國內理論研究的典型樣板。

The electric power harmonic comprehensive control system with low cast and high security is applied in this article . it adopts that sourced compensation links with non - sourced compensation herewhich the former is realized by high frequency pwm control technology and the latter is carried out by crystal switch formed by non - flow and over - voltage . it can realize stepless modulation with imaginary power , mightiness compensation of harmonic and negative electricity , and circuitry consumption debasing are achieved 提出采用有源補償與無源補償相結合的電力諧波綜合治理技術及裝置,無源部分采用無涌流和過電壓的晶閘管控制電容器技術實現,有源部分采用高頻pwm控制技術實現,成本低、可靠性高、可實現無功功率的無級調節、強力補償諧波電流和負序電流,降低線路損耗。

Soaring of chinese economy and reinforcing of chinese strength inevitably lie on mightiness of the overall strength of chinese enterprises , as well as more and more enterprises with multinational competitive advantages being fundamental supports . thus it is required to guide chinese enterprises to reinforcing strength with precise theoretic thoughts , and practice for establishing global competitive advantage 中國經濟的騰飛、中國實力的增強,必然取決于中國企業總體實力的強大,而且要靠越來越多的具備跨國競爭優勢的企業做根本支撐,這就要求用嚴謹的理性思想指導中國企業增強競爭力,并為建立全球競爭優勢進行實踐。

We have _ developed a great part of activex controls used in the simulation of the monitor system in the virtue of windows2000 ' s convenience and visual c + + 6 . 0 ' s mightiness exploitation capability , integrated the monitor system with the activex technology 并采用activex技術集成監控系統的控制界面,通過這些用于監控的activex控制元器件之間的方法和屬性的交換,達到實時監控的目的。本課題的重點在于開發監控系統的實時動態控制。

But in fact , under the macroscopical environment of the electronic commerce , the exchange agency could n ' t disappear . as the development of its function , the complexity of its structure , the mightiness of its performance , the enterprise and consumer will depend more on it 實際上,電子商務宏觀環境下,交易中介不會消失,其職能越發展、結構越復雜、功能越強大、企業和消費者對其依賴性越大。

In 5 years , the foreign capital bank will compete under the equal policy terms and our state - owned banks . it will to become the mightiness impact to chinese state - owned banking that have been in the high protecting degree and in the lower opening degree being 加入wto ,中國市場要對wto成員方開放。根據承諾的要求逐漸在經過短短5年過渡期后,外資銀行即可在基本同等的政策條件下與我國銀行競爭。

Making use of the mightiness function of the computer , the system can realize automation control , which will greatly reduce man - made interfere , so it can improve test accuracy 利用計算機的強大功能控制整個測試過程,實現了測試的自動化,因為大大地減少了人為干擾因素,測試的準確性有了明顯的提高。

These limitation , including disordered property right , unscientific management , feeble risk consciousness and so on , seriously restrict the further development and mightiness of the state commercial bank 產權不明晰、管理不科學、風險意識薄弱等缺陷嚴重制約著國有商業銀行的進一步發展和壯大。

He thought in the condition of the enemy was mightiness and we were infirmness , we must constitute an available policy in order to stay in the international world 他認為在敵強我弱的情況下,要想在國際大家庭中爭得一席平等地位,就得制定一種有效的方略。

The dinosaurs living 6 , 500 years ago were not so balanced because they no longer exist today despite their mightiness at that time 6500年前的恐龍就不是這樣,雖然它當時很強大,但今天畢竟不復存在,所以,恐龍是不平衡的。

The faultiness of exterior system has been blocked the development and mightiness of chinese ' s entrepreneur procession 外部制度的不完善阻礙了中國企業家隊伍的成長壯大。

If only the policy of reform and opening could be preserved , a mightiness country would be built 只要我們堅持改革開放政策,就一定能把我國建設成強大的國家。

If only we persist in the reform and open policy , we will build a mightiness country 只要我們堅持改革開放政策,就一定能把我國建設成強大的國家。