
mightily adv.1.強烈地,猛烈地,有力地。2.〔口語〕非常,極...


Dignam laid in clay of an apoplexy and after hard drought , please god , rained , a bargeman coming in by water a fifty mile or thereabout with turf saying the seed won t sprout , fields athirst , very sadcoloured and stunk mightily , the quags and tofts too 葬于地下。久旱之后,天降喜雨。一名運泥炭約航行五十英里水路之船夫曰: “種子無從萌芽,田野涸竭,色極暗淡,惡臭沖天,沼地與小丘亦如是矣。 ”

And when he came unto lehi , the philistines shouted against him : and the spirit of the lord came mightily upon him , and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire , and his bands loosed from off his hands 士15 : 14參孫到了利希、非利士人都迎著喧嚷耶和華的靈大大感動參孫、他臂上的繩就像火燒的麻一樣、他的綁繩都從他手上脫落下來。

I had now swallowed my tea . i was mightily refreshed by the beverage ; as much so as a giant with wine : it gave new tone to my unstrung nerves , and enabled me to address this penetrating young judge steadily 這會兒我已經吞下了茶點,飲料使我猶如喝了酒的巨人,精神大為振作,它給我衰弱的神經注入了新的活力,使我能夠不慌不忙同這位目光敏銳的年輕法官說話,

The key to solve this paradox is to be aware of the network objectively and scientificly , to expand woman education and to improve women ' s accomplishment mightily , to get them into the initiative and aspiring lifestyle 解決這種“兩悖”的關鍵在于客觀、科學地認識網絡,大力開展女性教育、提高女性素質,使女性養成主動、積極的精神狀態和生活方式。

And he cried mightily with a strong voice , saying , babylon the great is fallen , is fallen , and is become the habitation of devils , and the hold of every foul spirit , and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird 啟18 : 2他大聲喊著說、巴比倫大城傾倒了、傾倒了、成了鬼魔的住處、和各樣污穢之靈的巢穴、或作牢獄下同并各樣污穢可憎之雀鳥的巢穴。

And he cried mightily with a strong voice , saying , babylon the great is fallen , is fallen , and is become the habitation of devils , and the hold of every foul spirit , and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird 2他大聲喊著說,巴比倫大城傾倒了,成了鬼魔的住處,和各樣污穢之靈的巢穴, (或作牢獄下同)并各樣污穢可憎之雀鳥的巢穴。

Hear therefore , o israel , and observe to do it ; that it may be well with thee , and that ye may increase mightily , as the lord god of thy fathers hath promised thee , in the land that floweth with milk and honey 3以色列阿,你要聽,要謹守遵行,使你可以在那流奶與蜜之地得以享福,人數極其增多,正如耶和華你列祖的神所應許你的。

In addition , 6 people with 5 years experience do not equal over 25 continue with years experiences in the market as these statement mightily prospected investors to believe 另外,擁有5年經驗的6個人并不等于在市場上有超過25年連續的經驗,而且這些(有可能錯誤的)陳述可能會使投資者相信,并且影響到他們。

And the spirit of the lord came mightily upon him , and he rent him as he would have rent a kid , and he had nothing in his hand : but he told not his father or his mother what he had done 士14 : 6耶和華的靈大大感動參孫、他雖然手無器械、卻將獅子撕裂、如同撕裂山羊羔一樣他行這事并沒有告訴父母。

The spirit of the lord came upon him mightily , so that he tore him as one tears a young goat though he had nothing in his hand ; but he did not tell his father or mother what he had done 士14 : 6耶和華的靈大大感動參孫、他雖然手無器械、卻將獅子撕裂、如同撕裂山羊羔一樣他行這事并沒有告訴父母。

There was a change in the appearance of saint antoine ; the hammering into this for hundreds of years , and the last finishing blows had told mightily on the expression 絲安托萬換了副模樣幾百年的錘打把他敲成了一種模樣,可最后這幾錘的作用卻最為巨大,把他錘出了另一副表情。

“ now prophesy all these words against them and say to them : “ ' the lord will roar from on high ; he will thunder from his holy dwelling and roar mightily against his land 30所以你要向他們預言這一切的話,攻擊他們,說,耶和華必從高天吼叫,從圣所發聲,向自己的羊群大聲吼叫。

Then he thought of his flower . he got it out , rumpled and wilted , and it mightily increased his dismal felicity . he wondered if she would pity him if she knew 接著,他又想起了他的花,他把花拿出來,那花已經揉皺了,枯萎了,這更大大增加他凄涼而又幸福的情調。

Ben dollard bulkily cachuchad towards the bar , mightily praisefed and all big roseate , on heavyfooted feet , his gouty fingers nakkering castagnettes in the air 盛贊之下,他喜氣洋洋,患痛風癥的手指仿佛擊響板295一般,望空擺動著,打出種種節奏。

If these factors suggest that social entrepreneurship is truly the work of a rare breed that must struggle mightily to succeed , so be it 如果這些因素表明社會企業家真的只是必須努力奮斗獲得成功的稀有有人群的分內之事,那么就只能如此。

As sloan reminded us all , it ' s easy to forget this was a utah team that struggled mightily coming down the stretch of the regular season 在斯隆提醒我們之前,很容易讓人忘記這支爵士隊在常規賽的一段曾為了一場勝利苦苦掙扎

And the children of israel cried unto the lord : for he had nine hundred chariots of iron ; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of israel 3耶賓王有鐵車九百輛。他大大欺壓以色列人二十年,以色列人就呼求耶和華。

And the children of israel cried unto the lord : for he had nine hundred chariots of iron ; and twenty years he mightily oppressed the children of israel 耶賓王有鐵車九百輛,他極力欺壓以色列人二十年,以色列人就哀求耶和華。

He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face : keep the munition , watch the way , make thy loins strong , fortify thy power mightily 1尼尼微阿,那打碎邦國的上來攻擊你。你要看守保障,謹防道路,使腰強壯,大大勉力。