
miff n.〔口語〕小爭執;生氣。vt.,vi.〔口語〕(使)發...


Two highly - acclaimed hong kong films will be screened in this year s melbourne international film festival miff , promising to provide australian viewers , once again , with a fascinating glimpse of the ingenuity and creativity of hong kong s talent ( 27 . 7 . 2007 )今年度墨爾本國際電影節選映兩套獲好評的香港電影,讓澳洲觀眾可再次欣賞多姿多采的香港影片及香港人的創意。

Miffed at america ' s recent crackdown on his kleptocratic regime ' s hard - currency take from dollar counterfeiting , drug running and the like , this week ' s display was partly a rocket - fuelled raspberry at george bush 惱怒美國對其強盜政權制假鈔,販毒和諸如此類的東西的制裁,所以這個星期的表演是用一枚遠程導彈部分表達對布什的鄙夷。

And it happened with enough regularity that the fun seekers across the street would be miffed at the idea of being moved along for such a minor inconvenience as death 這事往往都會這樣,橫跨街道的尋歡作樂者都會對被這種諸如死亡的小事所打擾而有點忿忿然。

I think some of the basketball junkies out there are still miffed about how they could be so wrong about yao in the first place 我覺得有些籃球圈的垃圾還在為他們一開始說姚明不好是錯的這一事實惱羞成怒。

That ' s sure to get her miffed 那肯定會讓她惱火

Miff - malaysia international furniture fair 馬來西亞國際家具展

She was miffed at his indifference 她因他的漠不關心而生氣了。

She was ( a bit ) miffed that he ' d forgotten her name 他把她的名字忘了,她(有點)生氣了

I was miffed when they laughed at my new wig .. 每當他們嘲笑我的新假發,我就感到惱火。