
mien n.風采,態度,樣子。


I see genuine contentment in your gait and mien , your eye and face , when you are helping me and pleasing me - working for me , and with me , in , as you characteristically say , “ all that is right “ : for if i bid you do what you thought wrong , there would be no light - footed running , no neat - handed alacrity , no lively glance and animated complexion 你幫助我,使我愉快為我忙碌,也與我一起忙碌,干你慣于說的只要是對的事情時,我從你的步履和神采,你的目光和表情上,看到了一種真誠的滿足。因為要是我吩咐你去干你心目中的錯事,那就不會有步態輕盈的奔忙,干脆利落的敏捷,沒有活潑的眼神,興奮的臉色了。

The term “ asian american “ refers to those people with familial roots originating in many countries , ethnic groups , and cultures of the asian continent including , but not limited to : asian indian , bangladeshi , bhutanese , burmese , cambodian , chinese , filipino , hmong , indonesian , japanese , korean , laotian , malayan , mien , nepalese , pakistani , sikh , sri lankan , thai , and vietnamese 亞裔美國人是指家庭的根源來自亞洲大陸的許多國家種族群及文化,但不限于:亞洲印度孟加拉不丹緬甸柬埔寨華人菲律賓印尼日本韓國寮國馬來瑤族尼泊爾巴基斯坦錫克族斯里蘭卡泰國和越南。

The old gray wall began to advertise a similar fiery lettering to the first , with a strange and unwonted mien , as if distressed at duties it had never before been called upon to perform . it was with a sudden flush that she read and realized what was to be the inscription he was now half - way through - 在那面古老的灰色墻壁上,他又開始寫上了和先前一樣強烈的警示人的醒目字句,看上去既奇怪又不同尋常,這面墻以前從來沒有讓人寫上什么,現在被寫上了字,它仿佛有些痛苦。

His brother - in - law , mr . hurst , merely looked the gentleman ; but his friend mr . darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine , tall person , handsome features , noble mien ; and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance , of his having ten thousand a year 他的姐妹也都是些優美的女性,態度落落大方。他的姐夫赫斯脫只不過像個普通紳士,不大引人注目,但是他的朋友達西卻立刻引起全場的注意,因為他身材魁偉,眉清目秀,舉止高貴,于是他進場不到五分鐘,大家都紛紛傳說他每年有一萬磅的收入。

Mr . walters was very earnest of mien , and very sincere and honest at heart ; and he held sacred things and places in such reverence , and so separated them from worldly matters , that unconsciously to himself his sunday - school voice had acquired a peculiar intonation which was wholly absent on week - days 華爾特先生態度非常莊重,心地虔誠而實在。他對宗教方面的事情和場所非常尊敬,把它們和世俗方面的事分得清清楚楚。因此盡管沒有意識到,但他卻養成了主日學校講話時一種特別的語調,這種語調在平常的日子里是絕對聽不到的。

Miss temple had always something of serenity in her air , of state in her mien , of refined propriety in her language , which precluded deviation into the ardent , the excited , the eager : something which chastened the pleasure of those who looked on her and listened to her , by a controlling sense of awe ; and such was my feeling now : but as to helen burns , i was struck with wonder 坦普爾小姐向來神態安詳,風度莊重,談吐文雅得體,這使她不至于陷入狂熱激奮和浮躁,同樣也使看著她和傾聽她的人,出于一種敬畏心情,不會露出過份的喜悅,這就是我此刻的情感。但海倫的情況卻使我十分吃驚。

In the chapter of researching of efficient habitus , the thesis firstly discuss efficient habitus in a general way , and then discuss the problem in a quantitative way by formula , definition and the aid of computer . in the chapter of researching of sole object energy efficiency design , the thesis solve the problem from plot , mien , section 在建筑體型節能章節部分,論文首先對各種體型的節能效果作出一般性探討,進而通過有關定義及公式推導,并運用節能軟件進行能耗模擬,對節能體型進行定量分析。

There was the same handsome unpleasantness of mien , but now he wore neatly trimmed , old - fashioned whiskers , the sable moustache having disappeared ; and his dress was half - clerical , a modification which had changed his expression sufficiently to abstract the dandyism from his features , and to hinder for a second her belief in his identity 在那張同樣漂亮的臉上,令人不快的神情還同樣存在,不過嘴上原來的黑色胡須不見了,現在蓄上了修剪得整的舊式連鬢胡他身上穿著半是牧師半是俗人的服裝,改變了他臉上的神情,掩蓋了花花公子的面目,所以苔絲剛一看見他,竟一時沒有認出他來。

Lenehan and one from alba longa , one crotthers , and young stephen that had mien of a frere that was at head of the board and costello that men clepen punch costello all long of a mastery of him erewhile gested and of all them , reserved young stephen , he was the most drunken that demanded still of more mead and beside the meek sir leopold 斯蒂芬面龐酷似修士,坐于上座,另有不久前因表現出豪飲之勇而獲得“潘趣23科斯特洛”之雅號的科斯特洛座中除了青年斯蒂芬而外,彼乃最爛醉如泥者,越醉越討蜂蜜酒喝,再有即是謙和的利奧波德爵士。

There was such deep remorse in his eye , such true pity in his tone , such manly energy in his manner ; and besides , there was such unchanged love in his whole look and mien - i forgave him all : yet not in words , not outwardly ; only at my heart s core 他的目光隱含著那么深沉的懺悔語調里透出這樣真實的憾意,舉止中富有如此男子氣的活力。此外,他的整個神態和風度中流露出那么矢志不移的愛情一我全都寬恕了他,不過沒有訴諸語言,沒有表露出來,而只是掩藏在心底里。

The night came in , and took up its place there , unconcerned and indifferent the night which had already swallowed up his happiness , and was now digesting it listlessly ; and was ready to swallow up the happiness of a thousand other people with as little disturbance or change of mien 客廳里夜色深沉,對他們的事一點兒也不關心,毫不同情黑夜已經吞噬掉了他的幸福,現在正在懶洋洋地加以消化黑夜還準備同樣吞噬掉其他干萬人的幸福,并且一點兒也不慌亂。

He continued to his wife , with the stolid mien of a man who understood nothing of the emotions relating to matrimony - now , christianer , that shows that folks should never fancy other folks be supposing things when they bain t 他繼續對他的妻子說,臉上的冷淡態度,就好像他一點兒也不懂與婚姻相關的情感“好啦,克里斯汀娜,這說明,人們不要去猜想別人正在想什么,實際上他們沒有想什么呢。

She had the mobile face frequent in those whose sight has decayed by stages , has been laboriously striven after , and reluctantly let go , rather than the stagnant mien apparent in persons long sightless or born blind 她的視力已經逐漸衰退了,她對這一雙眼睛也曾經作過巨大努力,后來才不大情愿地放棄了,這同那些失明多年或者生來就是瞎子的人明顯不同,因此她的臉經常顯得很生動。

Gone too from the world , averroes and moses maimonides , dark men in mien and movement , flashing in their mocking mirrors the obscure soul of the world , a darkness shining in brightness which brightness could not comprehend 阿威羅伊和摩西邁蒙尼德34也都離開了人世,這些在音容和舉止上都詭秘莫測的人,用他們那嘲諷的鏡子35照著朦朦朧朧的世界之靈36 。

It was past midnight , the time when karataevs fever usually abated , and he was particularly lively . as he drew near the fire and heard platons weak , sickly voice , and saw his piteous mien in the bright firelight , pierre felt a pang at heart 皮埃爾走近火堆,聽見普拉東微弱病態的聲音,看見他那被火光照亮了的可憐的臉,他的心像被針扎了一樣,被刺痛了。

The other eminent characters , by whom the chief ruler was surrounded , were distinguished by a dignity of mien , belonging to a period when the forms of authority were felt to possess the sacredness of divine institutions 環繞著這位總督的其他顯要,一個個都威風凜凜,因為他們所屬的時代,官方機構被公認為具有神權制度的仲圣性。

For instance , a subjective attitude of anger is directly expressed in the face - to - face situation by a variety of bodily indices ? facial mien , general stance of body , specific movements of arm and feet 舉例來說,在面對面情境中,憤怒的主觀態度可以由若干身體姿態直接表現,像臉部的表情、身體的一般姿勢、特定手足的動作等。

Yes , there should be a technology nowadays that both show the mien of ancient item and not damage its integrity , in a word it seems a bit indiscretionary to polish it with grind stone 是啊,可是想想看現在科技這么發達,應該能夠找到一種辦法,既充分展現古器的風采又不傷害古器的完整性,總之單單用磨刀石似乎太鹵莽了

Dishes right off the restaurant s international menu such as mongolian beef , chow mien , indian dharma over rice and couscous had them consistently returning to say , “ that was delicious ! 一盤盤都是素食屋菜單上的拿手好菜:蒙古素牛肉炒面印度達摩燴飯庫司庫司飯,讓吃過的人一再回來說:太好吃了!