
midwinter 仲冬,冬至。


At least twice a year - - at midsummer and midwinter ? elf families and clans gather together to observe the turning of the seasons , share stories and news of the recent months , and celebrate marriages , births , and deaths 一年中至少兩次? ?通常是在夏至和冬至? ?精靈家庭和部落會聚集在一起觀察季節的更迭,分享最近發生的故事和消息,舉行各種紅白喜事。

There ' s nothing wrong , of course , with delighting in love and honoring friendship and stopping in the bleak midwinter to tickle the people we love 在蕭瑟的寒冬里取悅我們的愛人當然沒有什么不對,但是如果在不知不覺中讓這一天過去,那也是心理很健康的表現。

Review of midwinter waterfowl count data collected by the hong kong bird watching society 1979 - 1999 一九七九至一九九九年香港觀鳥會冬季中期水鳥數量調查回顧。

As the snow fell in a heavy midwinter storm , ukrainian troops moved towards the border of belarus 在寒冬的暴雪中,烏克蘭的軍隊挺進到白俄羅斯邊境。

The children are infected with a mad desire to swim in the lake in midwinter 孩子們都受到一種強烈欲望的感染,想在深冬去湖中游泳。

A midwinter day ; midwinter storms 仲冬的一天;仲冬的風雪

Behind us lay bitter memories of what midwinter was like 過去隆冬的情景給我們留下痛苦的回憶。

It was midwinter . many trees were denuded of leaves 那是隆冬時節,許多樹木的葉子都落光了。