
midwifery n.助產術,產科學。


Choosing the staff in military medical universities as the object , this paper is aimed to design an index system adapting the selection and the evaluation of the staff in military medical universities in order to assess them with data , by means of comparing the institutions of cadres ’ selection and the evaluation between civil and military , domestic and foreign , and discussing the aim , methods and principles of the army ’ s present cadres ’ selection and evaluation . in this way , we can midwifery excellent staff , bring up a group of talents of brainpower with wide views , rich knowledge and wise suggestions , and enhance continually the ability in organizing , directing , advising and designing of military medical universities ’ organs 本文選取軍醫大學參謀隊伍建設作為研究對象,旨在通過對國內外干部選拔考評制度、國內外軍隊干部選拔考評制度的比較研究,并對我軍現行軍隊干部考評的目的、方法和原則進行剖析探討,構建適合軍醫大學參謀隊伍選拔考評指標體系,對軍醫大學參謀隊伍進行量化考評,以催生優秀參謀人才成長,造就一支視野開闊、造詣較深、能參善謀的智囊型人才隊伍,不斷提高軍醫大學各級機關的組織指揮能力、參謀助手能力和運籌謀劃水平。

In order to ensure that there is sufficient manpower to handle the added workload in the obstetrics wards , both the nte and ntw clusters have made appropriate and flexible deployment in the light of the demand situation in their respective districts . the improvement measures taken include more flexible deployment of staff within the clusters , strengthening of the training for nurses on midwifery , recruitment of additional part - time staff and better arrangement of the staff level in all shifts at obstetrics wards (三)為了確保有足夠人手應付產科病房增加的工作量,新界東和新界西聯網已因應所屬地區的需求情況,對人手作出適當和靈活的調配,并已采取改善措施,包括在聯網內更靈活地調配人手,加強護士的產科訓練,招聘更多兼職員工,以及更妥善安排產科病房不同更次的人手水平。

Build up the peasantry oriented concept understand their requirement , respect their aspiration , satisfy their need for agricultural technology . 2 . stabilize the agricultural technology extension organization , midwifery agriculture enterprise , increase agricultural technology carrier , expand the agricultural technology extension troop . 3 . push the construction of agricultural technology extension informationization strugglingly 樹立“以農民為本”的推廣觀念,充分了解農民的需求,尊重農民的意愿,滿足農民生產對農業科技的需要2壯大農技推廣隊伍,多條腿走路,穩定、健全農技推廣站所,發揮主渠道作用,催生農業龍頭企業,增加農技推廣載體。

Technology culture could supply tremendous power for brainpower crime , it also could supply new crime means and effective thinking mode , and could midwifery new crime type , as a result , we must bring into play fully the good domino effect of technology culture , try to overcome its bad domino effect , in order to prevent and control brainpower crime 因為科技文化能為智能犯罪提供巨大動力、新的犯罪手段和有效的思維模式,并能催生新的犯罪類型,所以,必須充分發揮科技文化的正效應,努力克服其負效應,以防控智能犯罪。

The weakness of the government function and the vacancy of the mangement make the medi - organization ’ s appearance to be imminency , the development of the marketing and the transformation of government function midwifery the medi - organization , while the development of the medi - organization provides the transformation of government function possibility 那么由此產生的管理“真空地帶”和政府職能的弱化就迫切需要聯系政府、社會、企業的中介組織來實施。市場化的進程和政府職能轉變催生了中介組織的產生,中介組織的發展為政府職能轉變提供了可能性。

Abstract : in order to observe the clinical effects of misoprostol in the stages of labor , 200 of puerperas with complete pregnancy and with out the use of misoprostol in the vagina for midwifery were reviewed and analyzed . the results indicated that misoprostol could promote cervical mature , induce and increase contraction of the uterus , shorten the stages of labor , and decrease hemorrhage . therefor , misoprostol is worth wide use in the clinical practice 文摘:為了觀察米索前列醇在產程中的效果,作者對200例足月妊娠產婦,使用與不使用米索前列醇陰道后穹窿給藥助產,進行了回顧性分析,結果表明:米索前列醇能促進宮頸成熟,誘發和增強宮縮,縮短產程,減少出血,值得臨床推廣應用。

The radical nationalist chen duxiu possessed a strong sense of the national self - respect and self - confidence . the emergence of his nationalistic ideology was constrained by multiple factors , including the influence of nation crisis , the enlightenment of france , the modification by kang youwei ' s and liang qichao ' s nationalism , and the midwifery of his unique personal experience and so on 摘要激進民族主義者陳獨秀具有強烈的民族自尊心和自信心,其民族主義思想的產生受到了諸多因素的制約,如深重的民族危機的影響,法國啟蒙思想的啟迪,康有為、梁啟超民族主義思想的熏陶,個人獨特際遇的催生等等。

This unique 12 - school project involved primary and secondary schools in a nutrition and physical activity promotion campaign led by a team of multi - disciplinary experts in nutrition , physical education , public health , pediatrics , midwifery , home economics and education 參與該計劃共有12間中小學校,由包括了營養學、體育、公共衛生、兒科、婦產科、家政及教育的專業人士組成的隊伍所帶領的營養及運動推廣活動。

Consider that institution form the prompting and obligation mechanism of people ' s behavior choice , different institution midwifery different behaviorer ' s action , concequently solicitate the social structure change in micro - macroscopical aspect 認為制度形成了人們行為選擇激勵約束機制,不同的制度催生不同行為主體的行為,從而引發社會結構的宏微觀的變遷。

However , in educational history , confucius and socrates have been called “ an exemplary teacher for all ages “ . their “ heuristic “ or “ the art of intellectual midwifery “ all are orientated by questioning 但是,人類教育史上的“萬世師表”孔子和蘇格拉底,他們的“啟發式”和“產婆術”無不是在“提問”中進行。

Article 21 physicians and midwives shall strictly observe re - levant operational procedures , improve the skills of midwifery and the quality of services so as to prevent or reduce maternal injuries 第二十一條醫師和助產人員應當嚴格遵守有關操作規程,提高助產技術和服務質量,預防和減少產傷。

To develop staff capacity , midwifery refresher courses are being organized for nurses with midwife background and more part - time nurses are being recruited 為加強員工應付有關工作的能力,醫管局正為有助產士資格的護士舉辦復修課程,并會招聘更多兼職護士。

Article 22 pregnant women who cannot be hospitalized for deli - very shall receive sterilized midwifery by trained and qualified midwives 第二十二條不能住院分娩的孕婦應當由經過培訓合格的接生人員實行消毒接生。

Enlighten and practice midwifery - the comparison between confucius ' s and socratic ' s talking method 孔子與蘇格拉底談話法的比較

Application for training in midwifery 申請接受助產士專業訓練

The science of childbirth ; midwifery or obstetrics 產科學分娩的科學;助產學或產科學